[Gambas-devel] gambas-sdl update

lordheavy lordheavy at ...141...
Wed Jun 22 10:41:07 CEST 2005

New version of gambas-sdl componant is available :

ChangeLog :
22/06/05 - Laurent Carlier :
Sound component:
* Fix an unfreed reference (with sound playing when channel isn't valid)
Image component
* Fix a nasty bug when x or y are equals in Surface.Overlap (surface.c)
* Removes Sprite.Overlap, now in Surface class : Surface.Overlap (game.c
* Removes Surface.Tile (who need that ?, can be done with gambas code)
* Now setting Surface.Alpha enable alpha (surface.c)
* Now setting Surface.Colorkey enable colorkey (surface.c)
* Add missing HOOK_POST (sound component need it) (main.c)
* New Method : Screen.Save, allow to save the screen as a bmp file
* Fonts cannot be part of the executable anymore due to buggy SDL_ttf
library/SDL_RWops ? (font.c font.h)
* Screen.Id/Screen.Handle : return the id of the Screen - Daniel Campos
- (screen.c)
* Add SDL_INIT_EVENTHREAD flag, should solve some slowdown issues (main.c)
* Add SDL_ASYNC_BLIT flag to surface creation, should improve perfs on
SMP systems (surface.c)
* New method : Key.Scan (non-bloquant!=Key.Wait), return the value of
key pressed (key.c)


Laurent Carlier
jabber : LordHeavy at ...298...

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