[Gambas-devel] Little stuff.

Brandon Bergren bdragon at ...185...
Wed Jan 19 22:37:54 CET 2005

Here's a patch to src/exec's Makefile.am. It quells warnings during 
reconf, and probabaly fixes issues on 
platforms that need different object files for libraries and programs.

Explanations in section of the Gnu Automake manual at

Tested against cygwin-current.

$ diff -u gambas2-1.9.2/src/exec/Makefile.am 
--- gambas2-1.9.2/src/exec/Makefile.am  2005-01-09 11:45:31.000000000 
+++ gambas2-1.9.2-work/src/exec/Makefile.am     2005-01-19 
14:50:36.656508700 -0600
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
   gbx_c_string.h gbx_c_string.c \
   gbx_c_settings.h gbx_c_settings.c

  lib_gb_la_SOURCES = \
   gb_common_buffer.h gb_common_swap.h gb_common.c \
   gbx_debug.h \

Also, if QT is not found, moc is still checked for, and causes an error if 
not found. Could you skip the moc check if QT is disabled, or make 
it nonfatal, please?
I see there's an attempt to skip the section containing the moc and 
kde check completely if qt isn't found, but it isn't working....


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