[Gambas-devel] GTK 050214A

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...1...
Tue Feb 15 15:56:41 CET 2005

On Tuesday 15 February 2005 15:51, Daniel Campos wrote:
> >Instead of a Stock class, I think a better solution would be extending the
> >'_get' method of the Picture class with a syntax that means "stock icon".
> >
> >This way, the IDE will be able to use them.
> >
> >I suggest directly using Picture["icon_name"]. First search in the project
> >like Picture._get do. Otherwise, use stock icons.
> >
> >In GTK, Picture["Apply"] => Stock[Stock.Apply, Stock.Button]
> >
> >The KDE component will just have to reimplement Picture._get, with help
> > from the QT component I think.
> >
> >This way, no details about internal stock objects implementation is
> >exposed :-)
> >
> >What do you think about that ?
> Yes, it's a good idea as seems more transparent for the programmer, however
> I think this could be:
> Picture[Path As String, [StockSize As Integer] ]
> Picture["Apply"] --> Searchs the icon embeed in the executable, and in
> the file system.
> Picture["Apply",StockSize.Button] --> Searchs the icon in the Stock
> items, and,
> if not found, in the "Named Icons" (this is the second class provided in
> gb.gtk.stock,
> and they are icons placed in some predefined paths, for example the
> icons that are
> shown when you want to add a new desktop icon in kde or gnome
> "/usr/share/pixmaps...").
> It is important to keep the second parameter, as it defines the size of
> the icon you want to get,
> as there are low resolution icons (for little elements like menu items),
> high resolution icons
> (for large buttons, for example), and these symbolic sizes can change if
> the user uses special
> themes: for example high contrast and big icons for people with problems
> in the eyes (more
> than me 8-))), or children.
> Regards,
> D. Campos

I'm thinking about the Picture property in the IDE...

Isn't it possible to use a syntax like: Picture["Button/Apply"] instead of 
Picture["Apply", Stock.Button] ? This way, the IDE will be able to display a 
hierarchy of the stock icons easily.


Benoit Minisini
mailto:gambas at ...1...

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