[Gambas-devel] Stock items

Daniel Campos danielcampos at ...45...
Mon Aug 8 11:02:18 CEST 2005

Hi Benoit:

While writting the "Stock" class for gb.gtk, I've added some icons I 
already had in
the previous implementation. These are the names, and the GTK 
equivalent, so you
can find them at  
http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gtk/gtk-Stock-Items.html and
have an idea of the possible qt equivalence:

"device/network"     GTK_STOCK_NETWORK
"dnd/simple"         GTK_STOCK_DND
"dnd/multiple"       GTK_STOCK_DND_MULTIPLE
"sort/ascending"     GTK_STOCK_SORT_ASCENDING
"sort/descending"    GTK_STOCK_SORT_DESCENDING
"text/indent"        GTK_STOCK_INDENT
"text/unindent"      GTK_STOCK_UNINDENT
"add"                GTK_STOCK_ADD
"clear"              GTK_STOCK_CLEAR
"convert"            GTK_STOCK_CONVERT
"execute"            GTK_STOCK_EXECUTE
"findandreplace"     GTK_STOCK_FIND_AND_REPLACE
"index"              GTK_STOCK_INDEX
"jumpto"             GTK_STOCK_JUMP_TO
"missingimage"       GTK_STOCK_MISSING_IMAGE
"no"                 GTK_STOCK_NO
"printpreview"       GTK_STOCK_PRINT_PREVIEW
"remove"             GTK_STOCK_REMOVE
"revert"             GTK_STOCK_REVERT_TO_SAVED
"undelete"           GTK_STOCK_UNDELETE
"yes"                GTK_STOCK_YES


D. Campos

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