[Gambas-devel] ODBC - new version

Andrea Bortolan andrea_bortolan at ...112...
Thu Apr 14 11:52:15 CEST 2005

Hi Benoìt,
here the last version of the ODBC module, this should
be a "beta" version...all the function that odbc
provides are implemented.
In order to test the ODBC connection I made some
changes in the  Gambas database manager and in the
Database example,in attach you'll the modified files. 
I made only "little" changes to avoid errors when try
to manage database users (this function  is not
implemented in ODBC standard) and to manage the ODBC
standard behavior that returns -1 instead of the 
resultset rows number (mysql, postgresql and probably
others DB return the correct number of rows, iSeries
ODBC driver does not). You can find the changes
easilly searching for "ODBC Changes" comment line.
I added a function that fetch the rows till the ODBC
rise the End of Data error, then return the rows
conted,this function is named rowcount.
I know this is a bad implementation but I'm not able
to   make it better. If you think that this can be
usefull  probably you can suggest me a better way to
do that.

Have a nice day, Andrea.         

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