[Gambas-devel] Prob: RPM SuSE8.2 not working
ronstk at ...124...
Wed Oct 27 07:42:21 CEST 2004
On SuSE 8.2 there is no rpmbuild executable.
Only rpm program is /bin/rpm only as version rpm-3.0.6-555.i586.rpm
Making a soft link rpmbuild let me pass the error and say sucess at
the end.
In ~/RPM directoy are following
BUILD :empty
BUILD/gambas :project copy
RPMS :empty
RPMS/noarch :empty
SOURCES :gambas-gambas-0.99.tar.bz2
SPECS :gambas-gambas.spec
SRPMS :empty
tmp :empty
The spec file.
The result in from text box after finish.
The known build options for version 3.0.6-555
After finish it is easy to click OK to close the form, however it
starts again. Cancel sounds a bit stupid, I do not want that. :)
In project.module there is a test for existing rpmbuild.
This does not work. The process starts without that rpmbuild program ???
PUBLIC SUB MakeInstall()
IF CheckProgram("rpmbuild") THEN
Message.Error(("rpmbuild is not installed on your system."))
The whereis returned
without link:
terminator:/opt/gambas # whereis rpmbuild
with link and dummy .noway
terminator:/opt/gambas # whereis rpmbuild
rpmbuild: /bin/rpmbuild.noway /bin/rpmbuild
In Project.module
PUBLIC FUNCTION CheckProgram(sProg AS String) AS Boolean
DIM sTemp AS String
DIM bError AS Boolean
sTemp = Temp$
SHELL "whereis " & sProg & " > " & sTemp WAIT
bError = NOT (Trim(File.Load(sTemp)) LIKE (sProg & ":*"))
KILL sTemp
Maybe change:
bError = NOT (Trim(File.Load(sTemp)) LIKE (sProg & ":*"))
sProg = "/" & sProg & " "
sTemp2 = File.Load(sTemp) & " "
' in sTemp2 = "rpmbuild: /bin/rpmbuild /bin/rpmbuild.noway "
sTemp2 = mid$(sTemp2,instr(sTemp2,":")+1) & " " 'get right side of ':'
bError = NOT (instr(sTemp2,sProg) > 0)
-------------- next part --------------
%define name gambas-gambas
%define version 0.99
%define release 110suse
Summary: Gambas
Name: %{name}
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
License: GPL
Group: Development/Languages
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot
Prefix: %{_prefix}
BuildArch: noarch
Requires: gambas-runtime >= 0.95,gambas-runtime <= 1.0,gambas-gb-debug >= 0.95,gambas-gb-debug <= 1.0,gambas-gb-qt >= 0.95,gambas-gb-qt <= 1.0,gambas-gb-qt-editor >= 0.95,gambas-gb-qt-editor <= 1.0,gambas-gb-qt-ext >= 0.95,gambas-gb-qt-ext <= 1.0
AutoReqProv: no
Integrated Development Environment for Gambas
This program is written in Gambas, so you will need Gambas to be installed.
%setup -q -n gambas
/opt/gambas/bin/gbc -a -t
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin
install -p gambas $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/gambas-gambas
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/pixmaps
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/applications
install -p .icon/32.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/pixmaps/gambas-gambas.png
cat << EOF > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/applications/gambas-gambas.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Integrated Development Environment for Gambas
* Wed Oct 27 2004 root <root at ...170...> 0.99-110
- * Wed Oct 27 2004 root <root at ...170...> 0.99-110
- sdfsadfsd
* Wed Oct 27 2004 root <root at ...170...> 0.99-110
- sdfsadfsd
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Name: gambas-rpm.log
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URL: <http://lists.gambas-basic.org/pipermail/devel/attachments/20041027/503f2855/attachment.bin>
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The general form of an rpm build command is
rpm -[b|t]O [build-options] <package_spec>+
The argument used is -b if a spec file is being used to build the package and -t if RPM should look
inside of a gzipped (or compressed) tar file for the spec file to use. After the first argument, the
next argument (O) specifies the stages of building and packaging to be done and is one of:
-bp Executes the "%prep" stage from the spec file. Normally this involves unpacking the sources and
applying any patches.
-bl Do a "list check". The "%files" section from the spec file is macro expanded, and checks are
made to verify that each file exists.
-bc Do the "%build" stage from the spec file (after doing the prep stage). This generally involves
the equivalent of a "make".
-bi Do the "%install" stage from the spec file (after doing the prep and build stages). This gener
ally involves the equivalent of a "make install".
-bb Build a binary package (after doing the prep, build, and install stages).
-bs Build just the source package (after doing the prep, build, and install stages).
-ba Build binary and source packages (after doing the prep, build, and install stages).
The following options may also be used:
Skip straight to specified stage (ie, skip all stages leading up to the specified stage). Only
valid with -bc and -bi.
Set the "timecheck" age (0 to disable). This value can also be configured by defining the macro
"_timecheck". The timecheck value expresses, in seconds, the maximum age of a file being pack
aged. Warnings will be printed for all files beyond the timecheck age.
Remove the build tree after the packages are made.
Remove the sources and spec file after the build (may also be used standalone, eg. "rpm
--rmsource foo.spec").
--test Do not execute any build stages. Useful for testing out spec files.
--sign Embed a PGP signature in the package. This signature can be used to verify the integrity and the
origin of the package. See the section on PGP SIGNATURES for configuration details.
--buildroot <dir>
When building the package, override the BuildRoot tag with directory <dir>.
--target <platform>
When building the package, interpret <platform> as arch-vendor-os and set the macros _target,
_target_arch and _target_os accordingly.
--buildarch <arch>
When building the package, set the architecture to <arch>. This option has been obsoleted by
--target in RPM 3.0.
--buildos <os>
When building the package, set the architecture to <os>. This option has been obsoleted by --tar
get in RPM 3.0.
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