[Gambas-devel] Print gambas source code

Charlie Reinl na2492 at ...16...
Sat Oct 16 18:57:51 CEST 2004

>Will it be possible to print gambas source code in future releases of 
>Gambas ? 
>Kind regards 
>Carsten Olsen 
Salut Carsten, 
yes it will, if you write it. 
Some hints : 
    ' loop all the lines , wherer <Editor> is your gambas Editor 
    FOR iLine = 0 TO <Editor>.Lines.Count 
               ' read the line 
               sReadString = <Editor>.Lines[iLine] 
               ' now you can send it to the printer 
if finished, tested and found OK send it to Benoit. 
* Gesendet mit / Sent by: FEN-Webmail * http://www.fen-net.de *

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