[Gambas-devel] Re: [Gambas-user] Gambas and HBasic on newsforge.com

Rob sourceforge-raindog2 at ...19...
Thu Feb 12 00:09:06 CET 2004

On Wednesday 11 February 2004 16:01, Fabien Bodard wrote:
> Is someone have time to put an eyes about a sqlite driver...

Last month I started looking at what would be necessary for a 
mysql-embedded driver, and the answer is not much. Except there 
are no packages of mysql-embedded out there, so (at least for 
Mandrake) I would also need to package mysql-embedded in 
addition to gambas (maybe since it's an embedded library it 
would be okay to make a "gambas-mysql-embedded" package.) What 
complicates this is that mysql is already packaged for Mandrake 
and most other distros, but they all seem to have disabled the 
embedded stuff. Only PLD Linux provides a mysql-devel with 
libmysqld.a, which is what you link against to use embedded 

There are sqlite RPM's out there, but of course coding a totally 
new driver is going to be a lot harder than just tweaking the 
mysql driver to use mysql-embedded.


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