[Gambas-devel] IT file and Strangeness compiling under SUSE 9.2
Ing. Vincenzo Virgilio
w at ...199...
Sun Dec 26 00:56:12 CET 2004
Attached are the new complete italian file for the RC5 and a README file
for italian people.
Also, attached there is the output of some errors and warning that the
compilation under suse 9.2 gave me.
But, starting twice again the compilation, the make install will work
and gambas 0.99 started.
It was with a 9.2 Suse professional, with all the develloper packeges
installed and just "out of the box" becouse i reinstalled again my
Notebook with Suse.
Strange, but it works.
I could write a detailed README.SUSE if necessary.
Looking in the help directory of GAMBas i saw a lot of html files; if
help is made around this files, i remember that apache uses the standard
w3c notation like index.html.it, index.html.de and so on to distinguish
beetwen different languages if this apply.
Could this help? It's a standard way to approach the multilanguage problem.
vincenzo virgilio
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GAMBas ? una libera implementazine di un ambiente di sviluppo grafico basato su un interprete Basic. E? profondamente ispirato da Visual Basic e Java.
Piu? informazioni sono disponibili su http://www.gambas.it in Italiano e sul sito di sviluppo http://gambas.sourceforge.net
Prima di scaricare GAMBas, compilarlo e poi lamentarsi, per favour leggete le note successive con GRANDE ATTENZIONE!
Per compilare GAMBas dovete installare i seguenti Package sul sistma:
- X11 development packages.
- Qt 3 development packages.
- KDE 3 development packages per i KDE component.
- PostgreSQL, MySQL or SQlite development packages per compilare i drivers per i database.
- libcurl development packages (version 7.10.7 e successiva) se volete compilare i componenti network-curl.
- SDL e SDL_mixer development packages per compilare i componenti SDL.
Qt 3.2 ? tuttora necessario a causa di una funzione di Qt che ? mancante nelle versioni pi? vecchie. GAMBas si compilera? con Qt 3.1, ma la funzione Picture.Copy() dar? errore in alcuni casi. GAMBas non compila con le versioni precedenti di QT.
GAMBas non compila con gcc 3.0.x. Sembra che ci sia un bug in gcc. Usate gcc 3.2 invece. (Notate che c?? finora un crash inrisolto in un file da includere con gcc 2.9x)
Dovete avere i diritti per scrivere in /tmp, altrimenti GAMBas non funzionera?.
1) Prima di tutto controllare di aver installato tutti i package di development.
2) Quando avete fatto, scrivete le successive frasi magiche in una shell.
'#' rappresente il Vostro shell prompt, e "..." sono i messaggi stampati duranti la configurazione e la compilazione.
Questi comandi analizzano il sistema e configurano il package:
# ./configure
Questo commando compila i programmi:
# make
E finalmente questo installa tutto quanto:
# su -c "make install"
Password: <Type the root password here>
Se qualcosa fallisce durante questo processo, provate a scrivere il seguente commando prima di ./configure :
# ./reconf
Se non funziona, ho bisogno di sapere esattamente cosa ? accaduto, quindi scrivete il seguente comando:
# ( ./configure; make; make install ) > output.txt 2>&1
Inviateci il file "output.txt" per posta elettronica con qualsiasi dettaglio circa il Vostro computer e la vostra distribuzione che voi possiate trovare utile.
3) Se ogni cosa ? al suo posto, scrivete "gambas &" per far partire l?ambiente di sviluppo. Ci sono alcuni esempi nella directory "examples".
4) Ci sono piu? spiegazioni nel file "INSTALL" file. Vi invito a leggerlo.
Enjoy it !
Beno?t Minisinni
Tradotto da Vincenzo Virgilio
supporto at ...192... e w at ...191...
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# #-#-#-#-# CClass.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/CClass.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# CConfig.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/CConfig.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# CControl.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/CControl.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# CCoolButton.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/CCoolButton.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# CMenu.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/CMenu.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# CProperty.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/CProperty.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# CSplit.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/CSplit.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FAbout.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FAbout.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FDebug.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FDebug.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FEditor.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FEditor.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FExplorer.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FExplorer.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FFind.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FFind.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FForm.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FForm.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FGambas.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FGambas.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FGetIcon.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FGetIcon.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FGotoLine.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FGotoLine.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FIconEditor.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FIconEditor.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FLanguage.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FLanguage.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FList.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FList.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FMain.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FMain.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FMenu.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FMenu.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FNewClass.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FNewClass.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FNewDirectory.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FNewDirectory.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FNewForm.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FNewForm.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FNewIcon.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FNewIcon.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FNewModule.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FNewModule.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FNewProject.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FNewProject.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FNewText.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FNewText.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FOpenProject.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FOpenProject.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FOption.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FOption.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FProject.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FProject.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FProperty.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FProperty.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FRename.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FRename.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FSave.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FSave.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FSelector.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FSelector.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FTest.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FTest.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FTextEditor.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FTextEditor.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FText.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FText.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FTips.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FTips.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FTool.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FTool.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FTranslate.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FTranslate.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# FWelcome.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/FWelcome.class
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# Language.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/Language.module
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
# #-#-#-#-# Project.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# /home/user/Documents/gambas-0.52/app/gambas/Project.module
# Generated by Gambas compiler
# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL at ...54...>, YEAR.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2002-11-01 04:27+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ...54...>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at ...55...>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: FTips.class:175
msgid " Tips of the day"
msgstr " Suggerimenti del giorno"
#: FPropertyFile.class:71 FSupSelector.class:356
msgid "&1 K"
msgstr "-"
#: FTranslate.class:628
msgid "&1 strings (&2 not translated) - &3 % done"
msgstr "&1 Stringhe ( &2 Non tradotta/e) - &3 % Completato"
#: FMain.class:1167
msgid "&?"
msgstr "-"
#: FMain.class:1184
msgid "&About Gambas..."
msgstr "&Informazioni su Gambas..."
#: FSupSelector.class:1019
msgid "&Bookmark this directory"
msgstr "&Segna questa directory"
#: FFind.class:977
msgid "&Case sensitive"
msgstr "Sensibile al Maius&colo"
#: FOption.class:529
msgid "&Choose font..."
msgstr "S&cegli il font..."
#: FMain.class:1207
msgid "&Class..."
msgstr "&Classe..."
#: FMain.class:468
msgid "&Clear history"
msgstr "&Cancella cronologia"
#: FTranslate.class:822
msgid "&Close"
msgstr "&Chiudi"
#: FMain.class:1010
msgid "&Compile"
msgstr "&Compila"
#: FMain.class:1127
msgid "&Console"
msgstr "&Console"
#: FNewClass.class:190 FNewForm.class:220
msgid "&Constructor"
msgstr "&Costruttore"
#: FMain.class:1282 FSupSelector.class:1046
msgid "&Copy"
msgstr "&Copia"
#: FMain.class:1276 FSupSelector.class:1039
msgid "&Cut"
msgstr "&Taglia"
#: FMain.class:1152
msgid "&Database manager..."
msgstr "Gestore di &Database"
#: FMain.class:1067
msgid "&Debug"
msgstr "&Debug"
#: FList.class:193 FMenu.class:861
msgid "&Delete"
msgstr "&Cancella"
#: FMain.class:1294
msgid "&Delete..."
msgstr "&Cancella..."
#: FNewClass.class:185 FNewForm.class:215
msgid "&Destructor"
msgstr "&Distruttore"
#: FMain.class:1230
msgid "&Directory..."
msgstr "-"
#: FMain.class:1236
msgid "&Edit"
msgstr "&Modifica"
#: FFind.class:1022 FMain.class:963
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&File"
#: FMain.class:1202
msgid "&Form..."
msgstr "-"
#: FMain.class:1093
msgid "&Forward"
msgstr "&Avanti"
#: FMain.class:1170
msgid "&Help browser"
msgstr "&Help browser"
#: FForm.class:1984 FMain.class:1121
msgid "&Hierarchy"
msgstr "Gerarc&hia"
#: FMain.class:1133
msgid "&Icon editor"
msgstr "Editor &icone"
#: FMain.class:1216
msgid "&Image..."
msgstr "&Immagine..."
#: FList.class:176 FMenu.class:856
msgid "&Insert"
msgstr "&Inserisci"
#: FMain.class:1197
msgid "&Module..."
msgstr "&Modulo..."
#: FMain.class:1194
msgid "&New"
msgstr "&Nuovo"
#: FMain.class:966
msgid "&New project..."
msgstr "&Nuovo progetto..."
#: FMenu.class:851
msgid "&Next"
msgstr "&Successivo"
#: FMakeInstall.class:771 FNewProject.class:480 FTips.class:193
msgid "&Next >>"
msgstr "&Successivo >>"
#: FMain.class:972
msgid "&Open project..."
msgstr "&Apri progetto..."
#: FMain.class:1288 FSupSelector.class:1053
msgid "&Paste"
msgstr "&Incolla"
#: FMain.class:1077
msgid "&Pause"
msgstr "&Pausa"
#: FMain.class:1161
msgid "&Preferences..."
msgstr "&Preferenze..."
#: FMain.class:1007
msgid "&Project"
msgstr "&Progetto"
#: FMain.class:1109
msgid "&Properties"
msgstr "&Propriet??"
#: FMain.class:1060
msgid "&Properties..."
msgstr "&Propriet??..."
#: FMain.class:1000
msgid "&Quit"
msgstr "&Uscita"
#: FMain.class:1055
msgid "&Refresh"
msgstr "&Ridisegna"
#: FSupSelector.class:1027
msgid "&Remove current bookmark"
msgstr "&Rimuovi segnalibro corrente"
#: FMain.class:1266
msgid "&Rename..."
msgstr "&Rinomina..."
#: FFind.class:1003
msgid "&Replace"
msgstr "&Rimpiazza"
#: FMain.class:1071
msgid "&Run"
msgstr "&Esegui"
#: FMain.class:1260
msgid "&Save"
msgstr "&Salva"
#: FFind.class:742
msgid "&Search forward"
msgstr "&Cerca in avanti"
#: FPropertyProject.class:778
msgid "&Snap to grid"
msgstr "&Allinea alla griglia"
#: FMain.class:1251 FNewClass.class:157 FNewForm.class:200
msgid "&Startup class"
msgstr "&Classe di avvio"
#: FNewModule.class:138
msgid "&Startup module"
msgstr "&Modulo di avvio"
#: FMain.class:1087
msgid "&Step"
msgstr "&Passo"
#: FMain.class:1082
msgid "&Stop"
msgstr "&Stop"
#: FMain.class:1221
msgid "&Text file..."
msgstr "File di &testo..."
#: FMain.class:1176
msgid "&Tips of the day"
msgstr "&Suggerimenti del giorno"
#: FMain.class:1115
msgid "&Toolbox"
msgstr "-"
#: FMain.class:1149
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "&Strumenti"
#: FMain.class:1045
msgid "&Translate..."
msgstr "&Traduci..."
#: FMain.class:1106
msgid "&View"
msgstr "&Vista"
#: FEditor.class:1969
msgid "&Watch expression..."
msgstr "&Guarda espressione..."
#: FFind.class:982
msgid "&Word only"
msgstr "Solo &parole"
#: FTextEditor.class:433
msgid "&Word wrap"
msgstr "A &capo Automatico"
#: FAbout.class:234
msgid "(c) Benoit MINISINI"
msgstr "(c) Benoit MINISINI"
#: FNewIcon.class:242
msgid "16 x 16"
msgstr "-"
#: FNewIcon.class:260
msgid "24 x 24"
msgstr "-"
#: FGotoLine.class:71
msgid "255"
msgstr "-"
#: FNewIcon.class:230
msgid "32 x 32"
msgstr "-"
#: FNewIcon.class:254
msgid "48 x 48"
msgstr "-"
#: FNewIcon.class:248
msgid "64 x 64"
msgstr "-"
#: FNewIcon.class:236
msgid "8 x 8"
msgstr "-"
#: FMakeInstall.class:761 FNewProject.class:329 FTips.class:188
msgid "<< &Previous"
msgstr "<< &Precedente"
#: FAbout.class:262
msgid "<h2 align=center>Authors</h2>\n"
msgstr "<h2 align=center>Autori</h2>\n"
#: FAbout.class:257
msgid "<h2 align=center>Licence</h1>\n\n<p align=center>This program is FREE SOFTWARE; you can redistribute it AND/OR modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version.</p>\n\n<p align=center>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.</p>\n"
msgstr "<h2 align=center>Licenza</h1>\n\n<p align=center>Questo programma ?? SOFTWARE LIBERO; Puoi redistribuirlo E/O modificarlo secondo i termini della GNU General Public License pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation ; La versione 1, o (a tua scelta) qualsiasi altra versione successiva.</p>\n\n<p align=center>Questo programma ?? distribuito nella speranza che sia utile ma SENZA ALCUNA GARANZIA; senza nemmeno l'implicita garanzia di commerciabilit?? o adeguabilit?? per un fine particolare. Leggi la licenza GNU/GPL per maggiori dettagli.</p>\n"
#: FNewProject.class:409
msgid "<h2>Create a new project\n<img src=\"img/gambas.png\" align=\"right\"></h2>\n<p>All needed information have been collected. Here is a summary of\nwhat will happen.</p>\n<p>Click on the <b>OK</b> button to create the project.</p>\n<p>Click on the <b>Previous</b> button if you had made a mistake.</p>\n<p>Click on the <b>Cancel</b> button to cancel the operation.</p>\n\n"
msgstr "<h2>Crea un nuovo progetto\n<img src=\"img/gambas.png\" align=\"right\"></h2>\n<p>Tutte le informazioni necessarie sono state raccolte. Dettagli sull' \nelaborazione in corso.</p>\n<p>Clicka su <b>OK</b> per creare il progetto.</p>\n<p>Clicka su <b>Precedente</b> se hai fatto un errore.</p>\n<p>Clicka su <b>Cancella</b> per cancellare l'operazione.</p>\n\n"
#: FMakeInstall.class:748
msgid "<h2>Make installation packages\n<img src=\"img/64/kpackage.png\" align=\"right\"></h2>\n\n<p>All needed information have been collected. You can now create the installation packages for your application...</p>\n\n<p>Click on the <b>OK</b> button to create the packages.</p>\n<p>Click on the <b>Previous</b> button if you had made a mistake.</p>\n<p>Click on the <b>Cancel</b> button to cancel the operation.</p>\n\n"
msgstr "<h2>Crea i package di installazione\n<img src=\"img/64/kpackage.png\" align=\"right\"></h2>\n\n<p>Tutte le informazioni necessarie sono state raccolte. Ora puoi creare i package di installazione per la tua applicazione...</p>\n\n<p>Clicka su <b>OK</b> per creare i package.</p>\n<p>Click su <b>Precedente</b> se hai sbagliato.</p>\n<p>Click su <b>Cancella</b> per annullare l'operazione.</p>\n\n"
#: FMakeInstall.class:508
msgid "<h2>Welcome to the Gambas installation package creation wizard!\n<img src=\"img/64/kpackage.png\" align=\"right\"></h2>\n\n<p>This wizard allows you to create an installation package\nof your <b>Gambas</b> project.</p>\n\n<p>You will be able to choose the Linux distribution the\ninstallation package will be dedicated to.</p>\n\n<p>Press the <b>Next</b> button to start creating the installation package.</p>\n\n<p>Press the <b>Cancel</b> button to cancel the wizard.</p>"
msgstr "<h2>Benvenuti nel Wizard di installazione di Gambas, sistema guidato per la creazione dei package!\n<img src=\"img/64/kpackage.png\" align=\"right\"></h2>\n\n<p>Questo Sistema Guidato ti aiuter?? a creare un package di installazione\nper i tuoi progetti <b>Gambas</b>.</p>\n\n<p>Puoi scegliere la distribuzione Linux\nper cui creare il package.</p>\n\n<p>Premi <b>Avanti</b> per iniziare la creazione del package di installazione.</p>\n\n<p>Premi <b>Cancella</b> per uscire dalla procedura guidata.</p>"
#: FNewProject.class:426
msgid "<h2>Welcome to the Gambas project creation wizard!\n<img src=\"img/gambas.png\" align=\"right\"></h2>\n\n<p>This wizard allows you to create a new <b>Gambas</b> project.\nThis project will be created from scratch or from an already\nexisting project.</p>\n\n<p>Press the <b>Next</b> button to start creating the project.</p>\n\n<p>Press the <b>Cancel</b> button to cancel the wizard.</p>"
msgstr "<h2>Benvenuti nella procedura guidata per la creazione di Progetti Gambas!\n<img src=\"img/gambas.png\" align=\"right\"></h2>\n\n<p>Questa procedura ti permetter?? di creare un nuovo progetto <b>Gambas</b>.\nIl progetto potr?? essere creato da zero oppure da un progetto \nesistente.</p>\n\n<p>Premi <b>Avanti</b> per iniziare a creare il progetto .</p>\n\n<p>Premi <b>Cancella</b> per uscire dalla procedura guidata.</p>"
#: FMakeInstall.class:641
msgid "<h3>Changelog</h3>\n"
msgstr "<h3>Log Modifiche /Changelog</h3>\n"
#: FMakeInstall.class:532
msgid "<h3>Create an installation package for...</h3>\n"
msgstr "<h3>Crea un package di installazione per...</h3>\n"
#: FMakeInstall.class:594
msgid "<h3>Description</h3>\n"
msgstr "<h3>Descrizione</h3>\n"
#: FMakeInstall.class:579
msgid "<h3>Maintainer information</h3>\n"
msgstr "<h3>Informazioni Maintainer</h3>\n"
#: FNewProject.class:458
msgid "<h3>Options</h3>\n"
msgstr "<h3>Opzioni</h3>\n"
#: FNewProject.class:389
msgid "<h3>Select the directory of the project</h3>\n"
msgstr "<h3>Seleziona la directory del progetto</h3>\n"
#: FMakeInstall.class:678
msgid "<h3>Select the directory where the packages will be stored</h3>\n"
msgstr "<h3>Seleziona la directory dove il pacchetto sar?? salvato</h3>\n"
#: FNewProject.class:438
msgid "<h3>Select the name of the project</h3>\n"
msgstr "<h3>Seleziona il nome del progetto</h3>\n"
#: FMakeInstall.class:719
msgid "<h3>Select the package group</h3>\n"
msgstr "<h3>Seleziona il Gruppo del package</h3>\n"
#: FNewProject.class:315
msgid "<h3>Select the project to copy</h3>\n"
msgstr "<h3>Seleziona il progetto da copiare</h3>\n"
#: FNewProject.class:448
msgid "<h3>Select the title of the project</h3>\n"
msgstr "<h3>Seleziona il titolo del progetto</h3>\n"
#: FNewProject.class:339
msgid "<h3>Select the type of the project</h3>\n"
msgstr "<h3>Seleziona il tipo di progetto</h3>\n"
#: FMakeInstall.class:690
msgid "<h3>Select where the menu entry will be created</h3>\n"
msgstr "<h3>Seleziona dove sar?? immessa la voce nel Menu</h3>\n"
#: Project.module:1696
msgid "A name must begin with a letter, followed by any letter or digit."
msgstr "Un nome deve iniziare con una lettera, seguita da una lettera o un numero."
#: FMenu.class:780
msgid "ALT"
msgstr "-"
#: FAbout.class:241
msgid "About"
msgstr "Informazioni"
#: FAbout.class:187
msgid "About Gambas..."
msgstr "Informazioni su Gambas..."
#: FNewIcon.class:169
msgid "Add image"
msgstr "Aggiungi Immagine"
#: FNewModule.class:120
msgid "Add module"
msgstr "Aggiungi Modulo"
#: FForm.class:2008
msgid "Align to &bottom"
msgstr "Allinea in &basso"
#: FForm.class:1993
msgid "Align to &left"
msgstr "Al&linea a sinistra"
#: FForm.class:1998
msgid "Align to &right"
msgstr "Allinea a dest&ra"
#: FForm.class:2003
msgid "Align to &top"
msgstr "Allinea &sopra"
#: FForm.class:1990
msgid "Alignment"
msgstr "Allineamento"
#: FTranslate.class:522 Project.module:1125
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Tutti i Files"
#: FOption.class:918
msgid "Animate toolbar move"
msgstr "Anima la toolbar move"
#: FOption.class:937 FPropertyProject.class:680
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Applica"
#: Language.module:7
msgid "Arabic (Egypt)"
msgstr "Arabo (Egitto)"
#: Language.module:8
msgid "Arabic (Tunisia)"
msgstr "Arabo (Tunisia)"
#: FPropertyProject.class:801
msgid "Arguments"
msgstr "Argomenti"
#: FForm.class:1937
msgid "Arrangement"
msgstr "Disposizione"
#: FPropertyProject.class:443
msgid "Authors:"
msgstr "Autori:"
#: FOption.class:518
msgid "Automatic completion"
msgstr "Completamento automatico"
#: Project.module:170
msgid "BE CAREFUL! This project seems to be already opened.\n\nOpening the same project twice can crash the IDE\nand lead to data loss."
msgstr "ATTENZIONE! Questo progetto sembra essere gi?? aperto.\n\nAprire lo stesso progetto pi?? volte pu?? bloccare l'IDE\ne provocare perdita di dati"
#: FOption.class:606
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Sfondo"
#: FSupSelector.class:344
msgid "Backup file"
msgstr "File di Backup"
#: FForm.class:71
msgid "Bad form file"
msgstr "Form non valido"
#: FMenu.class:246
msgid "Bad group name !"
msgstr "Nome gruppo non valido!"
#: FMenu.class:240
msgid "Bad menu name !"
msgstr "Nome menu non valido!"
#: FPropertyProject.class:134
msgid "Bad version number"
msgstr "Numero di versione errato"
#: FOption.class:760
msgid "Breakpoints"
msgstr "Interruzioni"
#: FOption.class:125
msgid "Bright"
msgstr "Luminoso"
#: FForm.class:1940
msgid "Bring to foreground"
msgstr "Porta in primo piano"
#: Language.module:10
msgid "Bulgarian (Bulgaria)"
msgstr "Bulgaro (Bulgaria)"
#: FMenu.class:770
msgid "CTRL"
msgstr "-"
#: FTranslate.class:413 Project.module:1327
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancella"
#: Project.module:2284
msgid "Cannot clean the project."
msgstr "Non riesco a ripulire il progetto."
#: Project.module:2144
msgid "Cannot copy file &1."
msgstr "Non riesco a copiare il file &1."
#: FSupSelector.class:1211
msgid "Cannot copy file &1\n\n&2"
msgstr "Non riesco a copiare il file &1\n\n&2"
#: Project.module:1112
msgid "Cannot copy project!"
msgstr "Non riesco a copiare il progetto!"
#: Project.module:985
msgid "Cannot copy template file."
msgstr "Non riesco a copiare il template file."
#: FSupSelector.class:1503
msgid "Cannot create directory."
msgstr "Non riesco a creare la directory."
#: Project.module:1089
msgid "Cannot create project!"
msgstr "Non riesco a creare il progetto!"
#: FMain.class:333
msgid "Cannot delete file or directory"
msgstr "Non riesco a cancellare il file o la directory"
#: FSupSelector.class:840
msgid "Cannot find this directory."
msgstr "Non riesco a trovare questa directory."
#: FSupSelector.class:856
msgid "Cannot find this file."
msgstr "Non riesco a trovare questo file."
#: FSupSelector.class:819
msgid "Cannot find this project."
msgstr "Non riesco a trovare questo progetto."
#: FTranslate.class:546
msgid "Cannot import translation file."
msgstr "Non posso importare il file traduzione."
#: FExplorer.class:336
msgid "Cannot load help."
msgstr "Non riesco a caricare l'aiuto."
#: Project.module:2156
msgid "Cannot move file &1."
msgstr "Non riesco a spostare il file &1."
#: Project.module:584
msgid "Cannot open file."
msgstr "Non riesco ad aprire il file"
#: Project.module:202
msgid "Cannot open project file :\n"
msgstr "Non riesco ad aprire il file progetto :\n"
#: FTranslate.class:205
msgid "Cannot read translation file for language '&1'"
msgstr "Non riesco a leggere il file di traduzione per la lingua '&1'"
#: Save.module:36
msgid "Cannot save file !"
msgstr "Non riesco a salvare il file !"
#: FTranslate.class:325
msgid "Cannot save translation."
msgstr "Non riesco a salvare la traduzione."
#: Project.module:1445
msgid "Cannot write project file."
msgstr "Non riesco ad aprire il file progetto."
#: FMenu.class:755
msgid "Caption"
msgstr "-"
#: Language.module:12
msgid "Catalan (Catalonia, Spain)"
msgstr "Catalano (Catalano, Spagna)"
#: FMenu.class:824
msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Selezionato"
#: FLanguage.class:54
msgid "Choose language"
msgstr "Scegli la lingua"
#: FLanguage.class:71
msgid "Choose the translation to duplicate"
msgstr "Scegli la traduzione da duplicare"
#: FPropertyFile.class:55
msgid "Class"
msgstr "Classe"
#: FFind.class:770
msgid "Class / Line"
msgstr "Classe / Linea"
#: Project.module:497
msgid "Classes"
msgstr "Classi"
#: FOption.class:557
msgid "Clean on save"
msgstr "Pulisci al salvataggio"
#: FDebugInfo.class:202 FIconEditor.class:1265 FList.class:107
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Cancella"
#: FIconTool.class:593
msgid "Clear all"
msgstr "Cancella tutto"
#: FTranslate.class:798
msgid "Clear this translation"
msgstr "Cancella questa traduzione"
#: FMenu.class:727
msgid "Click on Insert to add a new menu."
msgstr "Clicca su Inserisci per aggiungere un nuovo menu."
#: FProperty.class:697
msgid "Click on a form or a control to modify its properties..."
msgstr "Clicca su un form o su un controllo per modificarne le propriet??..."
#: FFormStack.class:159
msgid "Click on a form to display the hierarchy of its controls..."
msgstr "Clicca su un form per visualizzare la gerarchia dei suoi controlli..."
#: FPropertyFile.class:241 FTips.class:198
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Chiudi"
#: FMain.class:1143
msgid "Close &all windows"
msgstr "Chiudi tutte le &finestre"
#: FForm.class:2048
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Codice"
#: FOption.class:583
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Colori"
#: FEditor.class:2026 FTranslate.class:37
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Commento"
#: FOption.class:746
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Commenti"
#: FPropertyProject.class:785
msgid "Compilation"
msgstr "Compilazione"
#: FMain.class:1351
msgid "Compile"
msgstr "Compila"
#: FMain.class:1016
msgid "Compile &All"
msgstr "Compila T&utto"
#: FMain.class:1358
msgid "Compile all"
msgstr "Compila tutto"
#: Project.module:832
msgid "Compiling project"
msgstr "Sto compilando il progetto"
#: FPropertyProject.class:89
msgid "Component"
msgstr "Componente"
#: FMain.class:1365
msgid "Component explorer"
msgstr "Esplora componenti"
#: FPropertyProject.class:871
msgid "Components"
msgstr "Componenti"
#: FDebug.class:816 FOutput.class:132
msgid "Console"
msgstr "Console"
#: FDebug.class:187 FSave.class:106 FTranslate.class:526 Project.module:1327
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Continua"
#: FPropertyProject.class:447
msgid "Controls:"
msgstr "Controlli:"
#: FEditor.class:2001 FForm.class:1915 FTextEditor.class:388
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copia"
#: FNewProject.class:377
msgid "Copy an existing project"
msgstr "Copia un progetto esistente"
#: FNewProject.class:167
msgid "Copy from project"
msgstr "Copia da un progetto"
#: FTranslate.class:791
msgid "Copy untranslated string"
msgstr "Copia la stringa non tradotta"
#: FNewProject.class:352
msgid "Create a graphical project"
msgstr "Crea un \"progetto grafico\""
#: FNewProject.class:303
msgid "Create a new project"
msgstr "Crea un nuovo progetto"
#: FNewProject.class:365
msgid "Create a terminal project"
msgstr "Crea un \"progetto terminale\""
#: Project.module:1964
msgid "Create source package"
msgstr "Crea package sorgente"
#: Package.module:202
msgid "Creating .spec file."
msgstr "Creazione .spec file."
#: Package.module:393
msgid "Creating RPM packages."
msgstr "Creazione package RPM."
#: Package.module:162
msgid "Creating package for &1."
msgstr "Creazione pacchetto per &1."
#: Package.module:181
msgid "Creating source package."
msgstr "Creazione pacchetto sorgente."
#: Language.module:43
msgid "Croatian (Croatia)"
msgstr "Croato (Croazia)"
#: FOption.class:774
msgid "Current line"
msgstr "Linea corrente"
#: FPropertyProject.class:909
msgid "Current translations"
msgstr "Traduzioni correnti"
#: FEditor.class:1995 FForm.class:1909 FTextEditor.class:382
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Taglia"
#: Language.module:16
msgid "Czech (Czech Republic)"
msgstr "Ceco (Repubblica Ceca)"
#: Language.module:18
msgid "Danish (Denmark)"
msgstr "Danese (Danimarca)"
#: FOption.class:125
msgid "Dark"
msgstr "Scuro"
#: Project.module:502
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dati"
#: FOption.class:662
msgid "Data types"
msgstr "Tipi di dati"
#: FSupSelector.class:111
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
#: FMakeInstall.class:527
msgid "Debian"
msgstr "Debian"
#: FDebugInfo.class:237
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "-"
#: FNewForm.class:232
msgid "Default dialo&g management"
msgstr "Gestione dialo&go predefinito"
#: FOption.class:840
msgid "Default grid resolution"
msgstr "Risoluzione griglia predefinita"
#: FOption.class:541
msgid "Default tab size"
msgstr "Dimensione tab predefinita"
#: FTranslate.class:413
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Cancella"
#: FTranslate.class:834
msgid "Delete translation"
msgstr "Cancella traduzione"
#: FPropertyProject.class:91
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrizione"
#: FNewIcon.class:289 FNewText.class:166
msgid "Destination folder"
msgstr "Cartella destinazione"
#: FPropertyFile.class:40 FSupSelector.class:168
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Cartella"
#: Project.module:1002
msgid "Directory already exists."
msgstr "Directory gi?? esistente."
#: FOption.class:913
msgid "Display form classes"
msgstr "Visualizza le classi del form"
#: Project.module:170
msgid "Do not open"
msgstr "Non aprire"
#: FMain.class:313
msgid "Do you really want to delete this directory ?"
msgstr "Vuoi cancellare questa directory ?"
#: FMain.class:325 FSupSelector.class:1262
msgid "Do you really want to delete this file ?"
msgstr "Vuoi cancellare questo file ?"
#: FTranslate.class:413
msgid "Do you really want to delete this translation ?"
msgstr "Vuoi cancellare questa traduzione ?"
#: FTranslate.class:492
msgid "Do you really want to reload this translation ?"
msgstr "Vuoi ricaricare questa traduzione ?"
#: FSupSelector.class:1183
msgid "Do you really want to remove this bookmark ?"
msgstr "Vuoi cancellare questo segnalibro?"
#: FSupSelector.class:1292
msgid "Do you really want to rename this file ?"
msgstr "Vuoi rinominare questo file?"
#: FTranslate.class:445
msgid "Do you really want to replace this translation ?"
msgstr "Vuoi sostituire questa traduzione ?"
#: FDebugInfo.class:202
msgid "Do you want to clear the expression list ?"
msgstr "Vuoi cancellare la lista di espressioni ?"
#: FIconEditor.class:1265
msgid "Do you want to clear the image ?"
msgstr "Vuoi rimuovere l'immagine ?"
#: FList.class:107
msgid "Do you want to clear the value list ?"
msgstr "Vuoi rimuovere la lista dei valori ?"
#: FIconTool.class:647
msgid "Draw"
msgstr "Disegna"
#: FTranslate.class:841
msgid "Duplicate a translation"
msgstr "Duplica una traduzione"
#: Language.module:52
msgid "Dutch (Belgium)"
msgstr "Danese (Belgio)"
#: Language.module:51
msgid "Dutch (Netherlands)"
msgstr "Danese (Olanda)"
#: FDebugInfo.class:118
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "ERRORE:"
#: FMain.class:1246
msgid "Edit &class"
msgstr "Modifica &classe"
#: FMain.class:1241
msgid "Edit &form"
msgstr "Modifica &form"
#: FList.class:155
msgid "Edit list property"
msgstr "Modifica lista propriet??"
#: FText.class:79
msgid "Edit text property"
msgstr "Modifica le propriet?? del testo"
#: FOption.class:802
msgid "Editing line"
msgstr "Editazione"
#: FPropertyProject.class:767
msgid "Edition"
msgstr "Edizione"
#: FOption.class:495
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"
#: FIconTool.class:674
msgid "Ellipse"
msgstr "Ellisse"
#: FIconTool.class:193
msgid "Ellipse,Filled ellipse,Filled delimited ellipse"
msgstr "Ellisse,ellisse Piena,ellisse piena Delimitata"
#: FOption.class:125
msgid "Emerald"
msgstr "Smeraldo"
#: FMenu.class:819
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Abilitato"
#: Language.module:28
msgid "English (Australia)"
msgstr "Inglese (Australia)"
#: Language.module:29
msgid "English (Canada)"
msgstr "Inglese (Canada)"
#: Language.module:27
msgid "English (U.S.A.)"
msgstr "Inglese (U.S.A.)"
#: Language.module:26
msgid "English (United Kingdom)"
msgstr "Inglese (Regno Unito)"
#: Language.module:25
msgid "English (common)"
msgstr "Inglese (Internazionale)"
#: FRename.class:89
msgid "Enter new name"
msgstr "Inserisci nuovo nome"
#: FForm.class:1894
msgid "Event"
msgstr "Evento"
#: FTranslate.class:610
msgid "Everything seems to be correct."
msgstr "Tutto sembra essere corretto."
#: FWelcome.class:55
msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Esempi"
#: FNewModule.class:170 FNewText.class:177
msgid "Existing"
msgstr "Esistente"
#: FExplorer.class:841
msgid "Explore"
msgstr "Esplora"
#: FTranslate.class:506
msgid "Export a translation"
msgstr "Esporta una traduzione"
#: FDebugInfo.class:21
msgid "Expression"
msgstr "Espressione"
#: FNewDirectory.class:104 FNewProject.class:321
msgid "FSelector"
msgstr "FSelector"
#: FSupSelector.class:171
msgid "File"
msgstr "File"
#: Project.module:956
msgid "File already exists."
msgstr "File gi?? esistente."
#: FSupSelector.class:1624
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "Filtri"
#: FEditor.class:2168 FFind.class:963
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Cerca"
#: FFind.class:957
msgid "Find & Replace"
msgstr "Cerca e &Sostituisci"
#: FFind.class:747
msgid "Find &next"
msgstr "Cerca &successivo"
#: FFind.class:748
msgid "Find &previous"
msgstr "Cerca &Precedente"
#: FEditor.class:2048 FTextEditor.class:419
msgid "Find Next"
msgstr "Cerca successivo"
#: FEditor.class:2053 FTextEditor.class:424
msgid "Find Previous"
msgstr "Cerca Precedente"
#: FTranslate.class:874
msgid "Find a string in translation"
msgstr "Cerca una stringa nella traduzione"
#: FTranslate.class:881
msgid "Find next untranslated string"
msgstr "Cerca la prossima stringa non tradotta"
#: FEditor.class:2042 FTextEditor.class:413
msgid "Find..."
msgstr "Cerca..."
#: FIconTool.class:638
msgid "Flip"
msgstr "Capovolgi"
#: FIconTool.class:692
msgid "Flood fill"
msgstr "Riempimento"
#: FIconTool.class:198
msgid "Flood fill,Patterned flood fill"
msgstr "Riempimento, Riempimento con pattern"
#: FOption.class:524
msgid "Font"
msgstr "-"
#: FProperty.class:241
msgid "Forbidden characters in control group."
msgstr "Caratteri proibiti nel control group."
#: FProperty.class:226
msgid "Forbidden characters in control name."
msgstr "Caratteri proibiti nel control name."
#: Project.module:1914
msgid "Forbidden characters in project name."
msgstr "Caratteri proibiti nel nome del progetto."
#: FEditor.class:2073 FForm.class:1885 FPropertyFile.class:57
msgid "Form"
msgstr "-"
#: FNewProject.class:468 FPropertyProject.class:795
msgid "Form controls are public"
msgstr "I controlli del form sono \"public\""
#: FOption.class:819
msgid "Form editor"
msgstr "Editor di form"
#: FNewIcon.class:277
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formattazione"
#: Project.module:499
msgid "Forms"
msgstr "Forms"
#: FDebug.class:795
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "Avanti"
#: Language.module:35
msgid "French (Belgium)"
msgstr "Francese (Belgio)"
#: Language.module:36
msgid "French (Canada)"
msgstr "Francese (Canada)"
#: Language.module:34
msgid "French (France)"
msgstr "Francese (Francia)"
#: Language.module:37
msgid "French (Switzerland)"
msgstr "Francese (Svizzera)"
#: Language.module:39
msgid "Galician (Spain)"
msgstr "Galiziano (Spagna)"
#: FWelcome.class:310
msgid "Gambas"
msgstr "Gambas"
#: FAbout.class:275
msgid "Gambas Almost Means Basic!"
msgstr "Gambas Almost Means BASic! (Gambas pi?? o meno vuol dire Basic!)"
#: FPropertyFile.class:117 FSupSelector.class:294
msgid "Gambas class"
msgstr "Gambas class"
#: FNewClass.class:39
msgid "Gambas classes"
msgstr "Gambas classes"
#: FNewClass.class:39 FNewForm.class:39 FNewModule.class:38
msgid "Gambas files"
msgstr "I File di Gambas"
#: FPropertyFile.class:114 FSupSelector.class:297
msgid "Gambas form"
msgstr "Il Form di Gambas"
#: FNewForm.class:39
msgid "Gambas forms"
msgstr "I Form di Gambas"
#: FPropertyFile.class:120 FSupSelector.class:300
msgid "Gambas module"
msgstr "Modulo di Gambas"
#: FNewModule.class:38
msgid "Gambas modules"
msgstr "Moduli di Gambas"
#: FSupSelector.class:277
msgid "Gambas project"
msgstr "Progetto di Gambas"
#: FPropertyFile.class:163 FPropertyProject.class:687
msgid "General"
msgstr "Vari"
#: Language.module:21
msgid "German (Belgium)"
msgstr "Tedesco (Belgio)"
#: Language.module:20
msgid "German (Germany)"
msgstr "Tedesco (Germania)"
#: FEditor.class:1943
msgid "Go to"
msgstr "Vai a"
#: FGotoLine.class:48
msgid "Go to line"
msgstr "Vai alla linea"
#: FEditor.class:1948 FTextEditor.class:357
msgid "Go to line..."
msgstr "Vai alla linea..."
#: FEditor.class:2196
msgid "Goto"
msgstr "Vai a"
#: Language.module:23
msgid "Greek (Greece)"
msgstr "Greco (Grecia)"
#: FMenu.class:745
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Gruppo"
#: FOption.class:824
msgid "Handle size"
msgstr "Dimensione Handle"
#: FExplorer.class:796
msgid "Help browser"
msgstr "Navigatore help"
#: FFormStack.class:153 FMain.class:1386
msgid "Hierarchy"
msgstr "Gerarchia"
#: FOption.class:574
msgid "Highlight current line"
msgstr "Evidenzia la linea corrente"
#: FOption.class:788
msgid "Highlighting"
msgstr "Evidenza"
#: FForm.class:1956
msgid "Horizontal"
msgstr "orizzontale"
#: FIconTool.class:166
msgid "Horizontal flip,Vertical flip,Rotate clockwise,Rotate counter-clockwise"
msgstr "Capovolgi orizzontale,Capovolgi verticale,Ruota in senso orario,Ruota in senso antiorario"
#: Language.module:41
msgid "Hungarian (Hungary)"
msgstr "Ungherese (Ungheria)"
#: FIconEditor.class:1379 FIconTool.class:529
msgid "Icon editor"
msgstr "Editor Icone"
#: FOption.class:835
msgid "Icon size"
msgstr "Dimensione Icona"
#: FFind.class:987
msgid "Ignore co&mments"
msgstr "Ignora co&mmenti"
#: FTranslate.class:520
msgid "Import a translation"
msgstr "Importa una traduzione"
#: FFind.class:1035
msgid "In Forms"
msgstr "Nei form"
#: FProperty.class:291
msgid "Incorrect property value."
msgstr "Valore della propriet?? non corretto."
#: FEditor.class:2140
msgid "Indent"
msgstr "Indenta"
#: FExplorer.class:827
msgid "Index"
msgstr "Indice"
#: Language.module:45
msgid "Indonesian (Indonesia)"
msgstr "Indonesiano (Indonesia)"
#: FPropertyFile.class:226
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Informazione"
#: Package.module:164
msgid "Initializing ~/RPM directory."
msgstr "Inizializzazione ~/RPM directory."
#: Language.module:47
msgid "Irish (Ireland)"
msgstr "Irlandese (Irlanda)"
#: FPropertyProject.class:438
msgid "It is under development and may change without notice."
msgstr "E' in fase di sviluppo e potrebbe cambiare senza preavviso."
#: Language.module:49
msgid "Italian (Italy)"
msgstr "Italiano (Italia)"
#: FPropertyProject.class:790
msgid "Keep debugging information in executable"
msgstr "Mantieni le informazioni di debug nell' eseguibile"
#: FOption.class:648
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "Parolechiave"
#: FPropertyFile.class:190
msgid "Last modified"
msgstr "Ultima modifica"
#: FForm.class:1962
msgid "Left to right"
msgstr "Sinistra a destra"
#: FFind.class:774 FIconTool.class:656
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Linea"
#: FExplorer.class:368
msgid "Loading help..."
msgstr "Sto caricando l'aiuto..."
#: FDebugInfo.class:255
msgid "Local"
msgstr "Local"
#: FPropertyFile.class:220
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Posizione"
#: FSupSelector.class:1569
msgid "Look in"
msgstr "Cerca in"
#: FAbout.class:295
msgid "Make a gift!"
msgstr "Fai una donazione!"
#: FMakeInstall.class:497
msgid "Make an installation package"
msgstr "Crea un package di installazione"
#: FMain.class:1026
msgid "Make e&xecutable..."
msgstr "Crea e&seguibile..."
#: Project.module:1123
msgid "Make executable"
msgstr "Crea eseguibile"
#: FMain.class:1036
msgid "Make installation package..."
msgstr "Crea il package di installazione..."
#: FMakeInstall.class:776
msgid "Make package"
msgstr "Crea package"
#: FMain.class:1032
msgid "Make source archive..."
msgstr "Crea archivio sorgente"
#: Project.module:1137
msgid "Making executable..."
msgstr "Sto Creando l'eseguibile..."
#: FMakeInstall.class:538
msgid "MandrakeLinux"
msgstr "MandrakeLinux"
#: FGambas.class:120
msgid "Mascot"
msgstr "Mascotte"
#: FMenu.class:25
msgid "Menu editor"
msgstr "Editor Menu"
#: FForm.class:2032
msgid "Menu editor..."
msgstr "Editor Menu..."
#: FOption.class:875
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Vari"
#: FPropertyFile.class:53
msgid "Module"
msgstr "Modulo"
#: Project.module:501
msgid "Modules"
msgstr "Moduli"
#: FNewModule.class:161 FNewText.class:160 FSupSelector.class:101
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"
#: FNewModule.class:128 FNewText.class:142
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nuovo"
#: FNewClass.class:133
msgid "New class"
msgstr "Nuova classe"
#: FNewDirectory.class:84 FSupSelector.class:1482
msgid "New directory"
msgstr "Nuova directory"
#: FNewForm.class:176
msgid "New form"
msgstr "Nuova form"
#: FMain.class:1316
msgid "New project"
msgstr "Nuovo progetto"
#: FWelcome.class:52
msgid "New project..."
msgstr "Nuovo progetto..."
#: FNewText.class:122
msgid "New text file"
msgstr "Nuovo file di testo"
#: FExplorer.class:820
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Successivo"
#: FNewProject.class:181
msgid "None."
msgstr "Nessuno."
#: FOption.class:620
msgid "Normal text"
msgstr "Testo normale"
#: Language.module:54
msgid "Norwegian (Norway)"
msgstr "Norvegese (Norvegia)"
#: Project.module:844
msgid "Nothing to do."
msgstr "Niente da fare."
#: FOption.class:718
msgid "Numbers"
msgstr "Numeri"
#: FRename.class:77 FText.class:94 Project.module:196
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: FMain.class:982
msgid "Open &example"
msgstr "Apri &esempio"
#: FMain.class:978
msgid "Open &recent"
msgstr "Apri &recente"
#: Project.module:170
msgid "Open after all"
msgstr "Apri alla fine"
#: FMain.class:1323
msgid "Open project"
msgstr "Apri progetto"
#: FWelcome.class:53
msgid "Open project..."
msgstr "Apri progetto..."
#: FOption.class:690
msgid "Operators"
msgstr "Operatori"
#: FNewProject.class:173 FOption.class:535
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opzioni"
#: FOption.class:814
msgid "Others"
msgstr "Altri"
#: FNewIcon.class:224
msgid "PNG\nXPM\nJPEG"
msgstr "PNG\nXPM\nJPEG"
#: FNewDirectory.class:130 FSupSelector.class:1577
msgid "Parent directory"
msgstr "Directory superiore"
#: FTextEditor.class:394
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Incolla"
#: FDebug.class:781
msgid "Pause"
msgstr "Pausa"
#: FIconTool.class:683
msgid "Pick color"
msgstr "Seleziona un colore"
#: FMenu.class:791 FPropertyFile.class:59
msgid "Picture"
msgstr "Immagine"
#: FSupSelector.class:308
msgid "Picture file"
msgstr "File Immagine"
#: FGetIcon.class:29 FNewIcon.class:133
msgid "Picture files"
msgstr "File Immagini"
#: FSupSelector.class:794
msgid "Please choose a project."
msgstr "Per favore scegli un progetto"
#: FSupSelector.class:796
msgid "Please choose a valid directory."
msgstr "Per favore scegli una directory valida."
#: FMakeInstall.class:97
msgid "Please choose at least one target system."
msgstr "Per favore scegliere almeno un sistema di destinazione."
#: FMakeInstall.class:109
msgid "Please choose the menu location for each target system."
msgstr "Per favore scegli la posizione del menu per ogni sistema di destinazione."
#: FMakeInstall.class:103
msgid "Please choose the package group for each target system."
msgstr "Per favore scegliere il gruppo del package per ogni sistema di destinazione."
#: FMakeInstall.class:652
msgid "Please enter the changes of your project. Each change must be described by a line beginning with a dash."
msgstr "Per favore inserisci le modifiche del tuo progetto. Ogni modifica deve essere scrittoasu una riga preceduta da #."
#: FMakeInstall.class:89
msgid "Please enter the first CHANGELOG entry."
msgstr "Per favore inserisci la prima voce del log delle modifiche (CHANGELOG)."
#: FMakeInstall.class:77
msgid "Please enter your e-mail address."
msgstr "Per favore inserisci il tuo indirizzo e-mail."
#: FMakeInstall.class:73
msgid "Please enter your name."
msgstr "Per favore inserisci il tuo nome."
#: Project.module:1652
msgid "Please type a name."
msgstr "Per favore scegli un nome."
#: Project.module:1907
msgid "Please type a project name."
msgstr "Per favore scegli un nome per il progetto."
#: Language.module:56
msgid "Polish (Poland)"
msgstr "Polacco (Polonia)"
#: FMain.class:1190
msgid "Popup"
msgstr "Popup"
#: Language.module:59
msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)"
msgstr "Portoghese (Brasile)"
#: Language.module:58
msgid "Portuguese (Portugal)"
msgstr "Portoghese (Portogallo)"
#: FFind.class:778
msgid "Pos."
msgstr "Pos."
#: FNewIcon.class:265
msgid "Predefined sizes"
msgstr "Grandezza predefinita"
#: FOption.class:488
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Preferenze"
#: FMakeInstall.class:622
msgid "Prefix package name and executable with the 'gambas-' string"
msgstr "Anteponi al nome del package e dell'eseguibile la stringa 'gambas-'"
#: FExplorer.class:813
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Precedente"
#: FFind.class:1017
msgid "Pro&ject"
msgstr "Pro&getto"
#: FFind.class:1028
msgid "Proce&dure"
msgstr "Proce&dura"
#: FMain.class:958 FSupSelector.class:163 Project.module:524
msgid "Project"
msgstr "Progetto"
#: FNewProject.class:172
msgid "Project directory"
msgstr "Directory del progetto"
#: FNewProject.class:463 FPropertyProject.class:903
msgid "Project is translatable"
msgstr "Il progetto ?? traducibile"
#: FNewProject.class:169
msgid "Project name"
msgstr "Nome del progetto"
#: FMain.class:1337 FPropertyProject.class:48
msgid "Project properties"
msgstr "Propriet?? Progetto"
#: FOption.class:869
msgid "Project window"
msgstr "Finestra progetto"
#: FPropertyProject.class:761
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propriet??"
#: FMain.class:1372
msgid "Properties sheet"
msgstr "Foglio delle propriet??"
#: FSave.class:31 FWelcome.class:56
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Uscita"
#: FMain.class:1099
msgid "R&eturn from"
msgstr "Rit&orna da"
#: Project.module:524
msgid "Read only"
msgstr "Solo lettura"
#: FWelcome.class:295
msgid "Recent"
msgstr "Recente"
#: FWelcome.class:54
msgid "Recent projects"
msgstr "Progetti recenti"
#: FIconTool.class:665
msgid "Rectangle"
msgstr "Rettangolo"
#: FIconTool.class:188
msgid "Rectangle,Filled rectangle,Filled delimited rectangle"
msgstr "Rettangolo,Rettangolo pieno,Rettangolo pieno delimitato"
#: FMakeInstall.class:521
msgid "Redhat / Fedora"
msgstr "Redhat / Fedora"
#: FEditor.class:1985 FTextEditor.class:372
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Recupera"
#: FExplorer.class:806 FSupSelector.class:1101
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Ridisegna"
#: FPropertyProject.class:739
msgid "Release"
msgstr "Rilascio"
#: FEditor.class:1750 FTranslate.class:492
msgid "Reload"
msgstr "Ricarica"
#: FTranslate.class:827
msgid "Reload translation"
msgstr "Ricarica la traduzione"
#: FSupSelector.class:1183
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Rimuovi"
#: FRename.class:19 FSupSelector.class:1064
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Rinomina"
#: Project.module:1758
msgid "Rename class"
msgstr "Rinomina classe"
#: Project.module:1783
msgid "Rename directory"
msgstr "Rinomina directory"
#: Project.module:1783
msgid "Rename file"
msgstr "Rinomina file"
#: Project.module:1756
msgid "Rename form"
msgstr "Rinomina form"
#: Project.module:1760
msgid "Rename module"
msgstr "Rinomina modulo"
#: FFind.class:968 FTranslate.class:445
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Rimpiazza"
#: FFind.class:1008
msgid "Replace &all"
msgstr "Rimpi&azza tutto"
#: FDebug.class:809
msgid "Return from"
msgstr "Ritorna da"
#: FOption.class:125
msgid "Ruby"
msgstr "Rubino"
#: FDebug.class:774
msgid "Run"
msgstr "Esegui"
#: FEditor.class:1957
msgid "Run &until current line"
msgstr "Esegui fino alla linea corrente"
#: FEditor.class:2189
msgid "Run until current line"
msgstr "Esegui fino alla linea corrente"
#: Language.module:61
msgid "Russian (Russia)"
msgstr "Russo (Russia)"
#: FMain.class:990
msgid "S&ave project"
msgstr "Salva &progetto"
#: FMenu.class:775
msgid "SHIFT"
msgstr "-"
#: FForm.class:2022
msgid "Same &height"
msgstr "Eguale alte&zza"
#: FForm.class:2017
msgid "Same &width"
msgstr "Eguale am&piezza"
#: FIconTool.class:575 FSave.class:100 FTextEditor.class:442
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Salva"
#: FSave.class:89
msgid "Save modified files"
msgstr "Salva file modificati"
#: FMain.class:1330
msgid "Save project"
msgstr "Salva progetto"
#: FTranslate.class:900
msgid "Save translation"
msgstr "Salva traduzione"
#: Package.module:37
msgid "Saving CHANGELOG file."
msgstr "Salva il file CHANGELOG/Modifiche."
#: FIconTool.class:611
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Scorrimento"
#: FExplorer.class:847
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Cerca"
#: FFind.class:992
msgid "Search &List"
msgstr "&Lista di ricerca"
#: FFind.class:743
msgid "Search &backward"
msgstr "Cerca all'&indietro"
#: FFind.class:1013
msgid "Search in"
msgstr "Cerca in"
#: FFind.class:172 FTranslate.class:383
msgid "Search string cannot be found."
msgstr "La stringa cercata non ?? stata trovata."
#: FFind.class:307
msgid "Search string replaced &1 times."
msgstr "La stringa cercata ?? stata sostituita &1 volte."
#: FFind.class:305
msgid "Search string replaced once."
msgstr "La stringa cercata ?? stata sostituita una volta."
#: FForm.class:1889
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Seleziona"
#: FEditor.class:2017 FTextEditor.class:404
msgid "Select &All"
msgstr "Selezion&a Tutto"
#: FSupSelector.class:1612
msgid "Select a filter"
msgstr "Seleziona un filtro"
#: FGetIcon.class:78
msgid "Select a picture"
msgstr "Seleziona un'immagine"
#: FOpenProject.class:80
msgid "Select a project"
msgstr "Seleziona un progetto"
#: FOption.class:125
msgid "Select a theme..."
msgstr "Seleziona un tema..."
#: FForm.class:1904
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
#: FIconTool.class:620
msgid "Select and transparent paste"
msgstr "Seleziona e incolla trasparente"
#: FIconTool.class:213
msgid "Select and transparent paste,Select and opaque paste"
msgstr "Seleziona e incolla trasparente, Seleziona e incolla opaco"
#: FOption.class:634
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Selezione"
#: FForm.class:1946
msgid "Send to background"
msgstr "Manda allo sfondo"
#: FMenu.class:765
msgid "Shortcut"
msgstr "Scorciatoia"
#: FPropertyProject.class:772
msgid "Show &grid"
msgstr "Mostra &griglia"
#: FSupSelector.class:499
msgid "Show by icon"
msgstr "Mostra per icona"
#: FSupSelector.class:515
msgid "Show by list"
msgstr "Mostra per lista"
#: FPropertyProject.class:877
msgid "Show components in beta version"
msgstr "Mostra i componenti nella versione beta"
#: FSupSelector.class:1093
msgid "Show hidden files"
msgstr "Mostra file nascosti"
#: FOption.class:890
msgid "Show mascot"
msgstr "Mostra mascotte"
#: FOption.class:579
msgid "Show modified lines"
msgstr "Mostra le linee modificate"
#: FPropertyProject.class:882
msgid "Show only components used in project"
msgstr "Mostra solo i componenti usati nel progetto"
#: FSupSelector.class:1085
msgid "Show preview picture"
msgstr "Mostra anteprima"
#: FTips.class:183
msgid "Show tips on startup"
msgstr "Mostra suggerimenti all'avvio"
#: FOption.class:513
msgid "Show toolbar"
msgstr "Mostra toolbar"
#: FOption.class:885
msgid "Show tooltips"
msgstr "Mostra tooltips"
#: Language.module:71
msgid "Simplified chinese (China)"
msgstr "Cinese semplificato (China)"
#: FNewIcon.class:283 FPropertyFile.class:185 FSupSelector.class:104
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Dimensione"
#: Language.module:65
msgid "Slovenian (Slovenia)"
msgstr "Slovacco (Slovenia)"
#: FPropertyProject.class:210
msgid "Snapping value is incorrect."
msgstr "Valore di allineamento non corretto."
#: Project.module:1326
msgid "Some components are missing: &1"
msgstr "Mancano alcuni componenti: &1"
#: FSave.class:122
msgid "Some files have been modified. Do you want to save them ?"
msgstr "Alcuni file sono stati modificati. Vuoi salvarli ?"
#: Project.module:1965
msgid "Source packages"
msgstr "Package sorgenti"
#: Language.module:32
msgid "Spanish (Argentina)"
msgstr "Spagnolo (Argentina)"
#: Language.module:31
msgid "Spanish (Spain)"
msgstr "Spagnolo (Spagna)"
#: FOption.class:562
msgid "Split procedures"
msgstr "Procedure divisorie"
#: FDebugInfo.class:248
msgid "Stack"
msgstr "Pila"
#: FNewModule.class:143
msgid "Static &constructor"
msgstr "&Costruttore statico"
#: FNewModule.class:148
msgid "Static &destructor"
msgstr "&Distruttore statico"
#: FNewClass.class:162 FNewForm.class:205
msgid "Static co&nstructor"
msgstr "Co&struttore statico"
#: FNewClass.class:167 FNewForm.class:210
msgid "Static des&tructor"
msgstr "Dis&truttore statico"
#: FDebug.class:802
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Passo"
#: FDebug.class:187
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Ferma"
#: FOption.class:732
msgid "Strings"
msgstr "Stringa"
#: FMakeInstall.class:568
msgid "SuSE Linux"
msgstr "SuSE Linux"
#: FOption.class:676
msgid "Subroutines"
msgstr "Sottoprogrammi"
#: FAbout.class:285
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Supporto"
#: FIconTool.class:701
msgid "Swap colors"
msgstr "Inverti colori"
#: Language.module:63
msgid "Swedish (Sweden)"
msgstr "Svedese (Svezia)"
#: FOption.class:704
msgid "Symbols"
msgstr "Simboli"
#: FPropertyProject.class:806
msgid "Tab size"
msgstr "Dimensione Tab"
#: FMenu.class:835
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "Tag"
#: FFind.class:782 FPropertyFile.class:62
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testo"
#: FNewText.class:37
msgid "Text files"
msgstr "File di testo"
#: FAbout.class:144
msgid "Thanks to"
msgstr "Grazie a"
#: FTranslate.class:722
msgid "The 'msgmerge' command has failed"
msgstr "Il comando 'msgmerge' ?? fallito"
#: FSupSelector.class:1461
msgid "The current project files are protected.\nYou cannot rename nor delete them."
msgstr "I files del progetto corrente sono protetti.\nNon puoi rinominarli o cancellarli."
#: FEditor.class:1750
msgid "The file has been modified.\n\nAll your changes will be lost."
msgstr "Il file ?? stato modificato.\n\nTutte le tue modifiche andranno perse."
#: FExplorer.class:267
msgid "The following link cannot be found:"
msgstr "Il seguente link non pu?? essere trovato:"
#: Package.module:443
msgid "The package build has failed."
msgstr "La creazione del pacchetto ?? fallita."
#: Package.module:39
msgid "The packages have been successfully created."
msgstr "I package sono stati creati in modo corretto."
#: FDebug.class:245
msgid "The program has returned\nthe value: &1"
msgstr "Il programma ha ritornato \nil valore : &1"
#: FDebug.class:242
msgid "The program has stopped unexpectedly\nby raising signal #&1.\n\nPlease send a bug report to\ngambas at ...70..."
msgstr "Il programma si ?? bloccato inaspettatamente\n con un segnale #&1. \n\n Per favore riportare l'errore a \ngambas at ...1... o supporto at ...192... per un supporto in italiano."
#: FTranslate.class:20
msgid "The project is void. There is nothing to translate."
msgstr "Il progetto ?? vuoto. Non c'?? nulla da tradurre"
#: FIconEditor.class:1284
msgid "This image has been modified.\nDo you want to save it ?"
msgstr "Questa immagine ?? stata modificata.\nVuoi salvarla ?"
#: FTranslate.class:441
msgid "This is the same translation !"
msgstr "Questa ?? la medesima traduzione !"
#: FMenu.class:508
msgid "This menu is too deep !"
msgstr "Questo menu ?? troppo profondo !"
#: Project.module:1657
msgid "This name contains a forbidden character :"
msgstr "Questo nome contiene un carattere proibito :"
#: FProperty.class:231
msgid "This name is already in use."
msgstr "Questo nome ?? gi?? in uso."
#: Project.module:1662
msgid "This name is already used. Choose another one."
msgstr "Questo nome ?? gi?? in uso. Scegline un altro."
#: Project.module:1922
msgid "This project already exists."
msgstr "Questo progetto ?? gi?? esistente."
#: Project.module:194
msgid "This project is read-only."
msgstr "Questo progetto ?? di sola lettura"
#: FTranslate.class:784
msgid "This string must not be translated"
msgstr "Questa stringa non deve essere tradotta"
#: FTips.class:47
msgid "Tip of the day"
msgstr "Suggerimento del giorno"
#: FTips.class:167
msgid "Tips of the day"
msgstr "Suggerimenti del giorno"
#: FPropertyProject.class:715
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titolo"
#: FEditor.class:1963
msgid "Toggle &breakpoint"
msgstr "Inverti &breakpoint"
#: FEditor.class:2175
msgid "Toggle breakpoint"
msgstr "Inverti breakpoint"
#: FMain.class:1379 FOption.class:830 FToolBox.class:226
msgid "Toolbox"
msgstr "-"
#: FForm.class:1974
msgid "Top to bottom"
msgstr "Da cima a fondo"
#: Language.module:72
msgid "Traditional chinese (Taiwan)"
msgstr "Cinese tradizionale (Taiwan)"
#: FMain.class:1344
msgid "Translate"
msgstr "Traduci"
#: FTranslate.class:757
msgid "Translate project"
msgstr "Traduci progetto"
#: FTranslate.class:597
msgid "Translated string symbols do not match untranslated string ones."
msgstr "I simboli nella stringa tradotta non combaciano con la stringa originale. "
#: FPropertyProject.class:898 FTranslate.class:806
msgid "Translation"
msgstr "Traduzione"
#: FTranslate.class:508
msgid "Translation files"
msgstr "File di traduzione"
#: FTranslate.class:888
msgid "Translation language"
msgstr "Lingua di traduzione"
#: Language.module:67
msgid "Turkish (Turkey)"
msgstr "Turco (Turchia)"
#: FPropertyFile.class:195 FSupSelector.class:108
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
#: FSupSelector.class:1275
msgid "Unable to delete this file."
msgstr "Non riesco a cancellare questo file"
#: FTips.class:107
msgid "Unable to read tip of the day !"
msgstr "Non riesco a leggere il suggerimento del giorno !"
#: Project.module:1796
msgid "Unable to rename '&1'"
msgstr "Non riesco a rinominare '&1'"
#: FSupSelector.class:1301
msgid "Unable to rename this file."
msgstr "Non riesco a rinominare questo file."
#: FEditor.class:2032
msgid "Uncomment"
msgstr "Togli commento"
#: FEditor.class:1979 FIconTool.class:584 FTextEditor.class:366
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Ripristina"
#: FEditor.class:2147
msgid "Unindent"
msgstr "Togli Indentazione"
#: Language.module:103
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Sconosciuto"
#: FTranslate.class:36
msgid "Untranslated"
msgstr "Non tradotto"
#: FTranslate.class:769
msgid "Untranslated string"
msgstr "Stringa non tradotta"
#: FText.class:83
msgid "Use a fixed font"
msgstr "Usa un font monospaziato"
#: FOption.class:908
msgid "Use a small font"
msgstr "Usa un font piccolo"
#: FOption.class:568
msgid "Use relief"
msgstr "Usa rilievo"
#: FDebugInfo.class:15
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valore"
#: FTranslate.class:862
msgid "Verify the translation"
msgstr "Verifica la traduzione"
#: FPropertyProject.class:709
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versione"
#: FForm.class:1968
msgid "Vertical"
msgstr "Verticale"
#: FMenu.class:814
msgid "Visible"
msgstr "Visibile"
#: FOption.class:125
msgid "Visual"
msgstr "Visuale"
#: FPropertyProject.class:438
msgid "WARNING! This component is in BETA version."
msgstr "ATTENZIONE! Questo componente ?? una versione BETA"
#: Language.module:69
msgid "Wallon (Belgium)"
msgstr "Vallone (Belgio)"
#: FTranslate.class:526
msgid "Warning ! The translation file does not match the current language."
msgstr "Avvertenza! Il file di traduzione non combacia con la lingua corrente."
#: FDebugInfo.class:265
msgid "Watch"
msgstr "Guarda"
#: FEditor.class:2182
msgid "Watch expression"
msgstr "Mostra espressione"
#: FWelcome.class:291
msgid "Welcome to Gambas !"
msgstr "Benvenuti in Gambas !"
#: FWelcome.class:330
msgid "Welcome to Gambas ! This program is published under the GNU General Public Licence. See http://gambas.sourceforge.net for more details..."
msgstr "Benvenuti in Gambas ! Questo programma e' pubblicato sotto la GNU General Public License. Vai http://gambas.sourceforge.net e http://www.gambas.it per ulteriori dettagli..."
#: FOutput.class:29
msgid "Welcome to the Gambas console.\nTo evaluate any expression, type '?' followed by\nthe expression, then hit return.\n\n"
msgstr "Benvenuti nella console di Gambas.\nPer visualizzare qualunque espressione, digitare '?' seguito dal-\nl' espressione, quindi premere INVIO.\n\n"
#: Language.module:14
msgid "Welsh (United Kingdom)"
msgstr "Gallese (UK)"
#: FAbout.class:289
msgid "You can support <b>Gambas</b> by writing components, documentation, examples, and so on...\n<p>\nYou can also make a gift to the project by using PayPal:"
msgstr "Puoi supportare <b>Gambas</b> scrivendo componenti, documentazione, esempi, e cos?? via...\n<p>\nPuoi anche fare una donazione al progetto usando PayPal:"
#: Project.module:1625
msgid "You must define a startup class or form!"
msgstr "Devi definire una classe o form di avvio!"
#: FMakeInstall.class:609
msgid "Your e-mail address"
msgstr "Il tuo indirizzo e-mail"
#: FMakeInstall.class:604
msgid "Your name"
msgstr "Il tuo nome"
#: FIconTool.class:602
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "Ridimensiona"
#: Project.module:714
msgid "at line &1 in &2"
msgstr "alla linea &1 in &2"
#: FOption.class:552 FPropertyProject.class:828
msgid "characters"
msgstr "caratteri"
#: FEditor.class:2205
msgid "edtEditor"
msgstr "edtEditor"
#: FAbout.class:226
msgid "http://gambas.sourceforge.net"
msgstr "http://gambas.sourceforge.net e http://www.gambas.it"
#: FTextEditor.class:92
msgid "modified"
msgstr "modificato"
#: FDebugInfo.class:52
msgid "native code"
msgstr "codice nativo"
#: FOption.class:851 FPropertyProject.class:823
msgid "pixels"
msgstr "pixels"
#: Project.module:2207
msgid "rpmbuild is not installed on your system."
msgstr "rpmbuild non ?? installato nel sistema"
#: FAbout.class:38 FWelcome.class:78
msgid "version &1"
msgstr "versione &1"
#: FNewIcon.class:216
msgid "x"
msgstr "x"
-------------- next part --------------
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.. -I../../src/share -I../../libltdl -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -g -Os -MT gbx_exec_loop.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/gbx_exec_loop.Tpo -c gbx_exec_loop.c -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/gbx_exec_loop.o
gbx_exec_loop.c: In function `EXEC_loop':
gbx_exec_loop.c:440: warning: `ind' might be used uninitialized in this function
gbx_exec_loop.c:970: warning: `val' might be used uninitialized in this function
if /bin/sh ../../libtool --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.. -I../../src/share -I../../libltdl -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -g -Os -MT gbx_pcode.lo -MD -MP -MF ".deps/gbx_pcode.Tpo" -c -o gbx_pcode.lo gbx_pcode.c; \
then mv -f ".deps/gbx_pcode.Tpo" ".deps/gbx_pcode.Plo"; else rm -f ".deps/gbx_pcode.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../../../.. -I../../../../../src/share -I/usr/include/libxml2/ -D_REENTRANT -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -g -Os -MT CXmlRpc.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/CXmlRpc.Tpo -c CXmlRpc.c -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/CXmlRpc.o
CXmlRpc.c: In function `CXMLRPC_Call':
CXmlRpc.c:113: warning: unused variable `cname'
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../../.. -I../../../../src/share -I/usr/include/libxml2/ -D_REENTRANT -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -g -Os -MT CXMLDocument.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/CXMLDocument.Tpo -c CXMLDocument.c -fPIC -DPIC -o.libs/CXMLDocument.o
CXMLDocument.c: In function `Doc_AddChild':
CXMLDocument.c:73: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
CXMLDocument.c: In function `CXMLDocument_HtmlFromString':
CXMLDocument.c:150: warning: implicit declaration of function `htmlParseDoc'
CXMLDocument.c:150: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
CXMLDocument.c: In function `CXMLDocument_ToString':
CXMLDocument.c:184: warning: unused variable `_p'
/bin/sh ../../../../libtool --mode=link gcc -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -g -Os -o lib.gb.xml.libxml.la -rpath /opt/gambas/lib/gambas -no-undefined main.lo CXMLNode.lo CXMLReader.lo CXMLWriter.lo CXMLDocument.lo -lc -lpthread-lxml2 -lm
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../../.. -I../../../../src/share -I/usr/lib/qt3/include/ -D_REENTRANT -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-exceptions -g -Os -fno-omit-frame-pointer -MT moc_qeditor.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/moc_qeditor.Tpo -c moc_qeditor.cpp -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/moc_qeditor.o
make[5]: *** [moc_qeditor.lo] Error 1
make[4]: *** [all-recursive] Interrupt
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Interrupt
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Interrupt
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Interrupt
make: *** [all] Interrupt
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../../.. -I../../../../src/share -I/usr/lib/qt3/include/ -D_REENTRANT -I/opt/kde3/include/ -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-exceptions-g -Os -fno-omit-frame-pointer -MT main.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/main.Tpo -c main.cpp -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/main.o
main.cpp: In function `void hook_main(int*, char**)':
main.cpp:123: warning: `init' is deprecated (declared at
/usr/lib/qt3/bin//moc main.h -o moc_main.cpp
if /bin/sh ../../../../libtool --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../../.. -I../../../../src/share -I/usr/lib/qt3/include/ -D_REENTRANT -I/opt/kde3/include/ -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-exceptions -g -Os -fno-omit-frame-pointer -MT moc_main.lo -MD -MP -MF ".deps/moc_main.Tpo" -c -o moc_main.lo moc_main.cpp; \
then mv -f ".deps/moc_main.Tpo" ".deps/moc_main.Plo"; else rm -f ".deps/moc_main.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../../.. -I../../../../src/share -I/usr/lib/qt3/include/ -D_REENTRANT -I/opt/kde3/include/ -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-exceptions-g -Os -fno-omit-frame-pointer -MT CApplication.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/CApplication.Tpo -c CApplication.cpp -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/CApplication.o
CApplication.cpp: In function `CFunction* get_function(CAPPLICATION*, constVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../../.. -I../../../../src/share -I/usr/lib/qt3/include/ -D_REENTRANT -I/opt/kde3/include/ -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-exceptions-g -Os -fno-omit-frame-pointer -MT CDatePicker.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/CDatePicker.Tpo -c CDatePicker.cpp -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/CDatePicker.o
CDatePicker.cpp: In function `void CDATEPICKER_value(void*, void*)':
CDatePicker.cpp:100: warning: `getDate' is deprecated (declared at
char*, const char*, int)':
CApplication.cpp:317: warning: `CFunction*func' might be used uninitialized in
this function
CApplication.cpp: In function `bool call_method(CAPPLICATION*, const char*,
const char*, GB_VALUE*, int, bool)':
CApplication.cpp:451: warning: `void*ob' might be used uninitialized in this
/usr/lib/qt3/bin//moc CDatePicker.h -o moc_CDatePicker.cpp
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../../.. -I../../../../src/share -I/usr/lib/qt3/include/ -D_REENTRANT -I/opt/kde3/include/ -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-exceptions-g -Os -fno-omit-frame-pointer -MT CDatePicker.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/CDatePicker.Tpo -c CDatePicker.cpp -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/CDatePicker.o
CDatePicker.cpp: In function `void CDATEPICKER_value(void*, void*)':
CDatePicker.cpp:100: warning: `getDate' is deprecated (declared at
/usr/lib/qt3/bin//moc CURLLabel.h -o moc_CURLLabel.cpp
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../.. -I../../../src/share -D_REENTRANT -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -g -Os -MT CNet.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/CNet.Tpo-c CNet.c -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/CNet.o
CNet.c: In function `ToIPv4':
CNet.c:86: warning: embedded `\0' in format
CNet.c:89: warning: embedded `\0' in format
/bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=link gcc -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -g -Os -o lib.gb.net.la -rpath /opt/gambas/lib/gambas -no-undefined main.lotools.lo CDnsClient.lo CSocket.lo CServerSocket.lo CUdpSocket.lo CSerialPort.loCNet.lo -lc -lpthread
gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../.. -I../../../src/share -D_REENTRANT -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -g -Os -MT CNet.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/CNet.Tpo-c CNet.c -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/CNet.o
CNet.c: In function `ToIPv4':
CNet.c:86: warning: embedded `\0' in format
CNet.c:89: warning: embedded `\0' in format
/bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=link gcc -g -O2 -pipe -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -g -Os -o lib.gb.net.la -rpath /opt/gambas/lib/gambas -no-undefined main.lotools.lo CDnsClient.lo CSocket.lo CServerSocket.lo CUdpSocket.lo CSerialPort.loCNet.lo -lc -lpthread
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