[Gambas-devel] Changing on the Analyze Patterns

ron ronstk at ...124...
Sat Aug 28 22:00:01 CEST 2004

On Saturday 28 August 2004 21:15, Benoit Minisini wrote:
> On Saturday 28 August 2004 22:28, Charlie Reinl wrote:
> > Salut Benoit,


> > I closed, after make the work arounds, for instance to work on it.
> > Please let me know if there is some additional work needed.
> While the analyze routine isn't fixed (about numbers and sticked operators), 
> your code can't be clean.

remember in rebuild the numbers are not correct.

FOR x = 0 to 9 step 1 means step +1
FOR x = 9 to 0 step -1 means step -1
FOR x = 9 to 0 step - 1 is wrong

The minus is not a calculation but a sign for the value of 1.

A= 3 * -1 is 3 times the value -1 is -3
A= 3 * - 1 is +3 times ? and substract +1
B = 4-1 then mean is +4 minus +1

The way the rebuild now does is making a negative sign to a substract.
C = 5 + -1 is 4 
C = 5 + - 1 is ??? +3 + ? - +1

If there is a leading - for a number or variable and preceding the - is a 
number or variable or expression between () it can be a substraction.
 E=(12- -1)-4
the expression gives +13, and then substract 4.

if preceding the - is a other calculation symbol +-*/ or operation it is a sign token.
The + (positive signs are not shown but they do exist.

D = 4 - -1 is 5, what should be 4 - - 1 ? a error for missing value between the 2 - tokens.
I hope also one option to have. 
This was a very iritating thing in VB
Dim x      as string
Dim xyzabc as string
My text should keep the 'as' lined out above each other

x      = "12143342423423423424"
xyzabc = "34676575675757567577"
Here the '=' also by the reason the string on the rightside should be visual equal length
Maybe the stings forming a picture in text
The option is reformat the amount of spaces on/off

> >
> > Additional functionality like to correcting Variables  like 'myInteger' to
> > 'myInteger'  while written 'MyinTeger' , is not implemented.
> > And should done by an Interested, or comes later.

I'm Interestd to have! :)

The changes for the case of the variable to the same as the DIM 
is very welcome by me. Good against typing mistakes.

I do not know for others as my wish for 
above with spacing so I like a configuration option for it.

BTW I got permission from the nurse :)

> >
> > If we need an implementation of the linechanged Event for instantce  ???
> It will be an event raised just before or just after the line is colorized.

I belive before is bether. The modifications will have then right color.
If the color is wrong after modification it can be a hint for an error.
When it the modify is done after it must run again to color the modified line.

> >
> > Amicalement
> > Charlie
> >
> All these changes that are needed for your "line pretty printer" will be made 
> after the 1.0.
> Regards,

Does not show we have to wait till 2027 :)

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