[Gambas-devel] Re: Gambas-devel digest, Vol 1 #273 - 4 msgs

Yizhou He yizhou_he at ...143...
Mon Aug 2 06:45:46 CEST 2004

For Question No.1
But you can already list the subs and functions directly in the editor. 
Do you 
want to do that also in the project window ? The problem is that files 
displayed in the project window are loaded only when the user want to 
them. So they will be seen only when the file is opened.
The editor can list the subs and functions that's ture. but when it 
become very long, it really take long time to find the function 
espically you didn't write all the code yourself.It frees you from go 
throught a lot of mnt..._click and btn..._click just to find a 
function. List them in project window make developer easier to see what 
function or sub it have, and more important, by click the sub on the 
project window, you go to the function or sub code directly, no long 
time brower, no need typing and search. try it out.

In my design, only opened class will list it's sub in project window 
right under that class item. It will not list all the class file. And I 
think we only care about what function in the class file we currently 
opened. There is no need to open all of them. 

Question NO.2
The CreateMenu() function in FEditor does almost the same thing. So I 
they must be factorized.
I do agree. I find that out when I finished writing, but they are still 
different. CreatMenu list more information than what we need. It can be 
a option that user can choose easly on toolbar. It is also good idea to 
have a option to list just name of function or whole thing.
1.list property, method, event
2.list sub, function name:Creatmenu
3.list sub, function decalaration: Creatmenu(A as integer, B as String) 
as String

AS I said, these code are far from pefect, I just want to make a demo 
version so that you can see how useful it will be.

Question NO.3
Browsing the source code to find function each time the file is 
modified is a 
huge job: this function is called each time you enter a character!

You must do it less often, for example, each time a whole line is 
i.e. each time the cursor line change AND the file has been modified.
I do realize that. This is my first time read part of the code. I just 
read what I need to change. if you do think it is a good idea, I will 
spend more time on that. my plan is only after the code loaded or 
saved, it will be refreshed once. If you want to see the change after 
you add or delete a sub or function, simply click the save button. It 
also help you save your data more often.

Question NO.3
Why do you want to select the entire line when you are going to a line ?
I have problem to find the current line while useing goto or search. It 
take me a while to find the small cursor. by select the whole line, I 
can easily see the big blug selection. I also want to figure how to 
make search result select the word it found if you agree. Otherwise the 
cursor sometimes on the top, sometime at the botton, sometimes in the 
middle, but selection make it so obvious to find.

Question NO.4
Don't be upset by my questions. I want to be sure of what you want to 
exactly, and I must ensure that it don't break anything in the IDE.
NoNoNo, I known my English is not good and have lot of spelling 
mistakes that you hate. I do have problem to explain my idea clearly. 
If you have any question just let me know. And I haven't read thought 
the whole thing yet but come up with something already, so I'm ready to 
be told it is a stupid idea. I don't want to break anything in the IDE 
either. If I come up with something stupid or waste your time, just 
forgive new people. Thanks.

Question NO.5 
realy usefull, but one question : 
For what reason Change property of tvwProject.sort to TRUE ? 
unsorted it shows like they placed in the file. 
Or is it needed for somethig I ingnore ? 
Thanks, I'm gald you like it. 
Sort it make it easy to find the function you want, and it put those 
mnu..._click(), btn..._click(), tvwProject_....() orgnized.
I first list them as they placed in the file and I'm thinking about if 
I can drag the icon of the sub and change the order of the code will be 
cool. But I soon realize the sequence the sub or function in the file 
is not important, it actually make no different. and I found if there 
is a lot of button or menu click event, without sort, it is still take 
a while to find the sub I want. after sort,sub for menu click event are 
together,sub for button click are together, one control's different 
event are together. 

Yizhou He

Research Technician (Xiong Lab)
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7295
Tel: (919)-962-2143

----- Original Message -----
From: gambas-devel-request at lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Sunday, August 1, 2004 8:27 pm
Subject: Gambas-devel digest, Vol 1 #273 - 4 msgs

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