[Gambas-devel] Database Component issue (Attempt 3)

ron ronstk at ...124...
Tue Apr 6 20:37:23 CEST 2004

On Tuesday 06 April 2004 18:38, Nigel Gerrard wrote:
> Don't knowwhy there was an incomplete message last time)


> You might think that this is a problem only with the two drivers, but if
> you print the the paramater name being handed to field_index in main.c you
> will see that the value is 'Name' and not 'name' and it is only because
> postgresql  is non case-sensative that it too doesn't fail.
I wonder if mysql is case sensitive.
As far I know it isn't when i use phpmyadmin or with some other tools
from the winbox in the past. The id field name was in uppercase in the table
but all my sql lines where in lowercase and it worked.

Getting the results in associated array (with names instead numbers) is
in my view more the problem. i.e. myfield['lower']=123 or myfield['LOWER']=123
can have difference. Here it is not the problem of MySQL but from the
program that is case sensitive for string compare of the names
as in php the array index names are case sensitive as far I know.

> My belief is that during parsing, the token Name is mistaken for name.
> Nigel

This can be true. If you have some comments in the program typed but forgot to 
start with ' then in the comment the gambas key words are also changed.


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