[Gambas-devel] Just a license question...

Daniel Campos danielcampos at ...45...
Mon Sep 29 20:36:03 CEST 2003

I'm was just thinking...

 Gambas is licensed under GPL, so it seems that no commercial "closed"
program could be made with gambas, I mean, any Gambas program should be
licensed under GPL, but by the other said, a program written in
Gambas-Basic, is just interpreted by Gambas run-time, that is, it is not
statically or dinamically linked with Gambas,instead, you run Gambas
to make a program work: it is similar to Kaffe , you can run any java
program, even it has a closed license.

 Of course it is matter of Benoît, but just could know what's the 
situation about this....


(by the way : components must be licensed under GPL as they use
Daniel Campos <danielcampos at ...45...>

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