[Gambas-devel] Re : Client Events

Daniel Campos danielcampos at ...45...
Wed Sep 17 20:54:31 CEST 2003

>Hallo Daniel,
>I have a question.
>What is the reason that we can use on the server side the client
>                                                        Closed and
>                                                        DataAvailable>
>and not the event Connected?
>Is it possible that the client event Connected will be availeble for
>server side like the client events Closed and DataAvailable.

Hi, Leo:

The only reason is that it is not yet implemented. This
week i'm working on server side and cleaning some code,
so I hope i'll can release the new version un Sunday, with
this work (Connected event) finished.

Daniel Campos <danielcampos at ...45...>

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