[Gambas-devel] component

Charlie karl.reinl at ...16...
Tue Jun 10 20:00:23 CEST 2003

Rob schrieb:

>On Tuesday 10 June 2003 05:00, Ken Schrock wrote:
>>I run as root *always* (duck :-). I installed both as root, so that
>Don't feel too bad, I did the same thing for about six months after abandoning 
>win98 ;)  Then I finally figured out I could use sudo and have the best of 
>both worlds, but I wouldn't expect normal users to figure that out since it's 
>all command line.  I don't have the issues some people do with Lindows making 
>people root by default, I just expect them to eventually have to tighten it 
>up if they get as popular as they want to be.
Don't know  your Distros, but I remember when I started with SuSE their 
you have the choice between
3 permissions easy, secure and paranoide,first I dit  paranoide the 
result was a normal user could do nearly nothing.
So I went back to secure , and have to do some with sudo.

May be you find a file like this on your system .

Send you paranoide


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