[Gambas-devel] component

Rob sourceforge-raindog2 at ...19...
Tue Jun 10 16:09:14 CEST 2003

On Tuesday 10 June 2003 05:00, Ken Schrock wrote:
> I run as root *always* (duck :-). I installed both as root, so that

Don't feel too bad, I did the same thing for about six months after abandoning 
win98 ;)  Then I finally figured out I could use sudo and have the best of 
both worlds, but I wouldn't expect normal users to figure that out since it's 
all command line.  I don't have the issues some people do with Lindows making 
people root by default, I just expect them to eventually have to tighten it 
up if they get as popular as they want to be.

> I am finding other things too... Like there's no "show hidden" box in
> component explorer
> 0.57 either is just less polished than 0.53 or the Lindows guys polished
> 0.53 up some

I don't know what "show hidden" is; maybe the Lindows guys added some of their 
own stuff to it.  (What's it do, show the components you haven't referenced 
in your project?)  If they're promoting it as much as you say, it wouldn't 
surprise me.

> I don't know if you are aware of it, but Lindows has jumped on Gambas
> big time
> They have set up a special thing so users can contribute Gambas apps
> Which they will then put in the Click N Run warehouse

That's awesome, even if Gambas is still technically alpha code ;)  (so is 
wine, but lots of people have jumped on that bandwagon...) I've had contact 
on and off with Robertson since the first few weeks of mp3.com and I don't 
much like the guy, but admire VERY MUCH his savvy for what it takes to 
popularize things.  Gambas, from Lindows' perspective, is bound to be a 
popularizing tool so it's no surprise that Robertson was one of the first to 
bring it to people's attention (in that Slashdot interview.)

Glad to hear you're feeling comfortable with components.... maybe when you've 
written one I can compare notes with the example one and start documenting 
the API ;)


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