[Gambas-devel] Gambas Database Manager - Access Denied

Charlie karl.reinl at ...16...
Tue Jun 3 20:12:53 CEST 2003

Nigel GERRARD schrieb:

> Few weeks or even months !:-) ago there was a thread discussing a 
> problem with mysql connects.  A message similar to 'Cannot open 
> database: Access denied for user '????@localhost' 
> <mailto:%27????@localhost%27> (Using password: NO..or YES)'
> occurs within the Database Manager.  I am not sure whether this got 
> resolved properly since searching the sourceforge.net archives doesn't 
> appear to work, but is due to the mysql driver defaulting to database 
> 'mysql' and the connecting user not having the privileges to connect 
> to it.
> I would suggest that the GDM should produce a warning message for the 
> user to check that the connection user has been granted access to 
> database 'mysql'.


 The (Using password: NO..or YES) only show you if you have used or not 
a password
 I think for the use of GDM not to make this two loggins, but makeing 
 the Type only for the database whos found on the system.

I see no nessecity to act like 'windows' where it seems that everything 
is easy to reache

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