[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2830: gbi3 loads the wrong QT library

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Fri Nov 17 20:17:50 CET 2023


Comment #1 by Brian G:

Ok I tracked down what was happening by turning on the -v option in the make file,

The qt4 components were still there from an earlier install.

It seems that the gbi3 program tries to create the info files for every single component in the library every single time it is called
not just the component it is being called to set information for in the make file. 

To be clear it is called once for each and every component.

Since qt4 is no longer part of the OS, the call to load the qt4 libraries for the orphaned qt4 components failed. And appeared to fail for every
component being installed. Hence my confusion.

It seems to look like it is executed and recreates all the info files several hundred times!

Anyway deleting the outdated components seems to have fixed the problem.

Can this be confirmed before closing this?

Brian G changed the state of the bug to: NeedsInfo.

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