[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2827: Unintended Redo in the context Menu of the TextArea

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Tue Nov 7 14:07:38 CET 2023


Comment #4 by Claus DIETRICH:

This was also my assumption but to my big surprise I found that in most Linux apps the context menus are popping up at the MouseDown event. Allegedly only Chromium shows a correct behavior (not tested). I found that I am not the only one who claims unintended false operation because of that under Linux. MAC-OS users seem to have the same problem.

Is the behavior of the Gambas TextArea depending on Linux OS resources? Is there a way to suppress the built-in context menu of the TextArea and to create an own class where the context menu pops up at MouseUp? Could the TextArea be fitted with an option that allows to change the popup of the context menu to "at MouseUp" instead of "at MouseDown"? 

Best regards

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