[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2827: Unintended Redo in the context Menu of the TextArea

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Mon Nov 6 18:12:21 CET 2023


Comment #2 by Claus DIETRICH:

Sorry, I am entirely surprised. As expected this doesn't happen on Windows platforms. There context menus appear upon release of the right mouse button (= MouseUp-Event). Unintended operations as described are impossible with this. I was assuming that it is the same on Linux, but there context menus are opened upon MouseDown. I checked a number of apps incl. the Gambas IDE. Also an own app showed it, but I was able to change it because the context menu was manually opened in the MouseDown event. I simply changed it to MouseUp-event. With this, the explained "glitch" cannot occur. However, the TextArea has an internal mouse event which is out of control of the programmer.
Are all Linux-Programmers making the same mistake? Are all Windows programmers on the wrong track? Does this happen because of a Linux toolkit/library or standard API? What is you opinion? Should a context menu occur on MouseDown or MouseUp?
Best regards

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