[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2824: new progect fails

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Mon Nov 6 03:02:23 CET 2023


Comment #4 by Bruce STEERS:

My mistake, it was not fixed i just did not get the error message :-\

Still re-installing did not fix it.

What did fix it was to manually copy the empty folders from app/template to the empty folder ~/.local/share/gambas3/template

Odd it does not work from /usr/share/gambas3/template  those folders seem to only be viewable/changable if root.

once i put the folders to ~/.local/share/gambas3 they self populated with files once i ran gambas3 , i guess they were unable to do that from /usr/share/gambas3

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