[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2745: Provide a way to know if a class or object is in fact a structure

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Thu May 11 19:54:21 CEST 2023


Comment #2 by Brian G:

when an application has a generic way of writing objects to a file, It must understand if it is writing a gambas object or a structure in order to take the correct
action to enable the application to read the data back from the file. ie some sort of header.

for example when writing an object as a variant, a gambas object contains a single byte followed by the name of the class followed by the data.

when an object which is a structure is written as a variant then the single byte is written but the class name is missing..

the format of each property in a structure has a different format than a property in a gambas object...

In short, a way is required to identify if one is writing a structure or gambas object to a file or pipe...

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