[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2689: DragMove Event of the ListView control not fired reliably

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Tue Jan 24 10:23:00 CET 2023


Comment #2 by Claus DIETRICH:

If you concentrate on the bottom section of the screen video you can monitor the raised DragMove events during the drag process. This often works fine when the drag process has been started, but if you keep the mouse button pressed and drag beyond a few target ListView items you will often see, that the number of events is suddenly much less. This often ends up in a single event, which typically occurs when the drag cursor changes from one target ListView item to the next one. This sudden reduction of events can be observed in the screen video. 

Since I want to mimic a Drag & Drop function like in other software, where a marker indicates where the dragged item will be inserted (above or below a target ListView item) I continuously need the exact position of the drag cursor. The DragMove event of the ListView control provides the position of the drag cursor and the code in the event routine can calculate whether the dragged item will be inserted (above or below a target item). An "insertion marker" indicates this. But When I don't get this event continuously and hence don't get the position of the drag cursor continuously, the code will not able to determine continuously, where the dragged item shall be inserted (above or below a target ListView item).  

Hope that this makes it clearer.

Best regards

Claus DIETRICH changed the state of the bug to: Accepted.

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