[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2399: Putting one or more WebButtons in WebTable Rows

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Sat Jan 29 18:43:27 CET 2022


Comment #2 by Benoît MINISINI:

This has been implemented in commit https://gitlab.com/gambas/gambas/-/commit/cf5b75870ff9c12e8448a263cd8fea7297fe6b37.

The 'Data' event of WebTable (or WebTree) takes an object as third argument to define the cell contents.

This object has now a 'Control' property that allows to define which control to duplicate and embed into a cell. So you must have an hidden control in your form that will act as a template.

Then the WebTable (or the WebTree) will raise a Click event as soon as the control raises its own Click event (it must have one).

That 'Click' event receives in its arguments the row (index or key) and the column index of the clicked cell.

So, at the moment, you can embed a WebButton, a WebCheckBox, a WebRadioButton or a read-only WebComboBox. I have tested only the WebButton at the moment.

Benoît MINISINI changed the state of the bug to: Fixed.

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