[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2453: Could formatting the code only change modified state of modified lines?

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Fri Jan 14 11:10:55 CET 2022


Bruce STEERS reported a new bug.


Could formatting the code only change modified state of modified lines?

Type             : Request
Priority         : Low
Gambas version   : Master
Product          : Development Environment


Hi Ben.

It's a shame that when hitting Ctrl-Shift-F to format the code the modified colours change for the whole file,

It would be better i think if it only changed for modified lines. 
I use the previewbar a lot to navigate to modified code areas.  that colouring is great for it.  
Until i hit ctrl-shift-f,, then it's all green or orange :-\

Many thanks for all you do :)

Wishing well

System information


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