[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2449: IDE doesn't open, tip of the day is opened, Gambas application yet compiled works

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Wed Jan 12 17:17:57 CET 2022


Comment #4 by Arnaud COCHE:

Thanks for your reply.

I try again with apt command an configure command.

$ ./configure -C --disable-keyring --disable-sqlite2 --disable-qt4 --disable-qtwebkit

Same result.

In attached file, there is the version of each dependency (all were yet installed).

After make command, I have this message

|| - gb.db.postgresql
|| - gb.qt4
|| - gb.qt4.ext
|| - gb.qt4.opengl
|| - gb.qt4.webkit
|| - gb.qt4.webview
|| - gb.qt5.webview

Only the window tip shows. No IDE and no crash. 
I think something wrong between Qt5 and Qt5Webengine and this problem occurs maybe on this specific software/hardware (ARM 32 bits, not 64).
I think there is no relation between missing postgresql and the problem.

For my purpose, as alternative, I use now Raspberry OS Bookworm (Gambas deb package) on the same hardware.
And you can ask me to do other tests on Bullseye if you want confirm problem/solution or to help other users if the problem occurs again.


Attachment: install_gambas_from_sources_2022-01-12.txt

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