[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2449: IDE doesn't open, tip of the day is opened, Gambas application yet compiled works

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Tue Jan 11 22:20:12 CET 2022


Comment #2 by Arnaud COCHE:

Thanks for your help.

1/ On Raspian Bullseye
with Gambas 3.16.3 sources

$ ./configure -C --disable-keyring --disable-sqlite2 --disable-qt5webview 

the compilation finished with : this components are disabled :

- gb.db.postgresql
- qb.qt4
- qb.qt4.ext
- gb.qt4.opengl
- gb.qt4.webkit
- gb.qt4.webview
- gb.qt5.webview

The window tip of the day opens. The IDE stays closed. No crash. Ctrl-C to free the prompt.

2/ I don't know if this information can help.
I tested Raspberry OS Bookworm (Raspberry OS replace Raspbian and Bookworm is the next major Debian release after Bullseye) on the same Raspb Pi 2 B.

# apt install gambas3

and the deb package for Gambas 3.16.3 works well.

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