[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2449: IDE doesn't open, tip of the day is opened, Gambas application yet compiled works

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Sun Jan 9 19:27:11 CET 2022


Arnaud COCHE reported a new bug.


IDE doesn't open, tip of the day is opened, Gambas application yet compiled works

Type             : Bug
Priority         : Medium
Gambas version   : 3.16
Product          : Unknown



Few days ago, the IDE I use for weeks now doesn't start (Qt error) but a compiled GUI application in Gambas works well.
This Raspbian Pi OS Gambas3 package is the version 3.15.2.

I uninstall all Gambas Debian Packages and start to compile with following the wiki (Debian Bullseye section).
The qt5webengine-dev is not available for the arm 32 bits on Raspberry Pi OS repository.

3] I try to install last version of Gambas (3.16.3) without qt5webengine and hope to have IDE start again.

I follow Debian Bullseye section and Raspbian section of the wiki (out of date) and hope the commands add missing packages.

$ git clone --branch stable --depth=1 https://gitlab.com/gambas/gambas.git
$ cd gambas
$ ./reconf-all
$ ./configure -C --disable-keyring --disable-sqlite2 --disable-qt4 --disable-qtwebkit --disable-qt5webengine --disable-qt5webengine5 --disable-qtwebengine5
$ make -j$(nproc)
$ sudo make install
$ gambas3

=> the window "tip of the day" is opened, but not the IDE. The IDE doesn't show and doesn't crash and I need Ctrl-C to free the prompt.

This is not a compilation problem (for compilation problem, the wiki speaks of a mailing-list but the link is broken (https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/gambas-user)).
This is not a crash problem (the daily tip shows on screen), Gambas is running but the IDE is hidden.

There is an option to compile Gambas with Qt5 (or Qt4) and without qt5webengine ?

If there is no easy solution, I will try an other OS.
And I can do specific tests if you want.

Best Regards,

System information

- Raspberry Pi 2 B
- Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) : arm 32 bits => no qt5webengine-dev package
- Window Maker 0.95.9

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