[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2343: Font issue in panel displaying search result - Gambas IDE

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Sat Jan 8 14:43:15 CET 2022


Comment #18 by Bruce STEERS:

Is this with using QT or GTK or with both? 

I would say this..
The toolkits can struggle with very small fonts.
It may improve with increasing the font size a little.

Also we recently discovered a bug in QT where it miss-reports the fonts being used if the fonts.conf has not been created.
Without a fonts.conf file QT will report the GTK fonts not the QT defaults but the application will use the QT font. this can cause glitches
(you can use the qt5ct configuration tool to create a fonts.conf)

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