[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2446: Error in compile of core count when not linux or bsd

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Fri Jan 7 05:16:00 CET 2022


Brian G reported a new bug.


Error in compile of core count when not linux or bsd

Type             : Bug
Priority         : Medium
Gambas version   : Unknown
Product          : Unknown


gb_system_temp.h:	fprintf(stderr, "gbx" GAMBAS_VERSION ": warning: don't know how to return cpu count\n");
                                             ^ ) expected
Should be  
gb_system_temp.h:	fprintf(stderr, "gbx%d: warning: don't know how to return cpu count\n",GAMBAS_VERSION);

System information


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