[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2444: can only select one item in designer

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Thu Jan 6 03:25:57 CET 2022


Comment #2 by Bruce STEERS:

hmm funny i just tried and works as expected on the app i was just working on.

If i load that app i sent earlier to test the fonts it happens on there trying to select the labels?

dag nab it !
i had set the Forms background color to color.LightForeground
the objects "were" being selected but i could not see the grab-bars as they are also LightForeground :-\


So this bug is not "items cannot be selected".  it is selected items cannot be seen as selected if the containers background is color.LightForeground


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