[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2442: Add a System.system which makes available at runtime which os is used

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Wed Jan 5 01:59:26 CET 2022


Brian G reported a new bug.


Add a System.system which makes available at runtime which os is used

Type             : Request
Priority         : Medium
Gambas version   : Master
Product          : Language


Would it be possible to add a system.system which reflects the same value as #if system = xxx
such that at runtime we could detect the os that the app is running on?

I am constantly parsing and loading the /etc/os_release file to decide in my cli applications that are  calling 
system cli programs what format to make those calls as often the same call in a fedora cli, differs from debian or arch.

or perhaps an os object that reflects the os_release info... maybe this is too much.
Well system.system may in fact be helpful.


System information


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