[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2436: Menubutton getting "invalid object" on gtk

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Tue Jan 4 14:32:08 CET 2022


Comment #11 by Bruce STEERS:

Aaaah, that's fantastic, a thousand apologies Ben.

I updated the new commit but still had issues.

Then as per your most enlightened instructions i moved ALL except the 3 lines of Paint code from _Draw() to _BeforeArrange() and hey presto. everything is better now, no menu crash, no menubutton glitch and no sluggishness on gtk.

Many thanks Ben and sorry again for my crappy code and lack of understanding of a few core gambas methods, sorry for wasting your time but many many thanks for the investigation :)

(Ps. you left the debug messages in)

Much respect

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