[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2436: Menubutton getting "invalid object" on gtk

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Mon Jan 3 15:40:11 CET 2022


Comment #9 by Bruce STEERS:

No not at all.

the folder and Disks menus are created at application start not ad-hoc so i have no idea what's happening.

What is really strange is i just discovered with GTK if i move quickly to an item below a menu that causes a crash and then move up over it it pops up just fine :-\  only crashes when moving downwards or right over them :-\
(see attached vid)

like you did check the IDE and think.. well why the blummin heck is it just my app??


Attachment: screenrecord-2022-01-03_14.38.38.mp4

Bruce STEERS changed the state of the bug to: Accepted.

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