[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2437: GotFocus event not triggering for GTK

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Sun Jan 2 21:17:39 CET 2022


Comment #1 by Bruce STEERS:

This information may help track an issue..

Working on another project i found that Focus was working as expected for QT but not GTK+

The UserControl i made creates a DrawingArea object in the _new() function and there it sets .Focus = True

the GotFocus and Keypress events were failing on GTK until i made .Focus = True again in the View_Arrange() function.

Somehow the .Focus setting is destroyed after creation?

I attach the project.

commenting out line 114 in View_Arrange() that sets .Focus = True stops the objects getting focus and also keypress events fail.

Re-setting .Focus = True again in Arrange() makes it all work.


Attachment: MicroSlider-1.0.tar.gz

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