[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2436: Menubutton getting "invalid object" on gtk

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Sun Jan 2 18:22:15 CET 2022


Comment #7 by Bruce STEERS:

Sorry i Reopened this.
I missed what you said about opening another issue but to be fair this is the same issue.

the "invalid object" error I mentioned was just the message about "the problem", not the actual problem that clearly still has not been fixed.

Maybe the no GotFocus problem i am experiencing on my view is a problem with other objects and how they work internally, some Menu event is not firing correctly or something?

I do not "Destroy" anything as far as i know, i coded as expected and with QT all works okay, so , ergo, gotta be a gtk issue.


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