[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2460: During the debugging process the systems stops with a failure free(): double free detected in tcache 2

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Thu Feb 10 17:15:34 CET 2022


Comment #15 by Peter KOSTRZ:

Hi Benoit,
Sorry, was out. But I started now to make the test. Before I start with the process you mentioned I found out by trying that the problem arise when I have  in the code the "hXMLDocument.Root.AppendChild(hXMLElement)" executing. If I comment it out the process runs through without a problem (but the element are not appended ;-) of course) - maybe you have a clue on that ?

For I = 0 To cnt - 1
    '// now Loop Trough and set XML
    hXMLElement = New XmlElement(sType)
    hXMLElement.SetAttribute("ClID", sClient)
    hXMLElement.SetAttribute("RefCurr", sClientEx)
    CInput = vInptJSON[I]
    For Each csValue In CInput
      hXMLDocument.Root.AppendChild(hXMLElement)         <<<--------------------------------------- Here
      csKey = CInput.Key
      hXMLElement.NewElement(csKey, csValue)
    CInput = Null
    Inc iTotTra
    hXMLElement = hXMLElement.Parent   '/ go back Base

So I will tonight the debugging again according your proposal.
Thanks for Help in Advance
Greetings from Switzerland

Peter KOSTRZ changed the state of the bug to: Accepted.

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