[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2529: WebTree malfunctions

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Mon Apr 18 03:05:49 CEST 2022


Comment #1 by Benoît MINISINI:

> 1. The Activate() event works with double Click, but it does not return data.

I don't know what "It does not return data" means.

If you want to know which item has been activated, use the WebTree 'Item' property.

The WebTree control try to have the same interface as the TreeView control of the GUI components.

> 2. The Click() event does not work.

Are you aware that the 'Click' event is special, and not related to the click on a WebTree row?

> 3. The Collapse() event does work, but it removes the selections.

I can't reproduce. Please provide a project that reproduces the bug.

> 4. The Compare() event I don't know how this event works.

Like the TreeView's one. But sorted WebTree is not implemented yet.

> 5. The Data() Event does work.

It works. Do you know how to use it?

> 6. The Expand() event does work, but it removes the selections.

I can't reproduce. Please provide a project that reproduces the bug.

> 7. KeyPress() event not working.

You're right on this point.

> 8. The Render() event only fires on the header.

What do you mean?

> 9. The Select() event only fires on the header.

What do you mean?

Selection management when the ShowCheck property is set has been fixed in commit https://gitlab.com/gambas/gambas/-/commit/30d605aad024db304e710467a8c9b97253a77e02.

Please try it, and send me a project that reproduces your problem if you can't explain them in detail. Or make a video capture.

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