[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2516: QT no longer allowes GUI events to be processed by wait

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Sat Apr 9 15:39:30 CEST 2022


Comment #9 by Brian G:


  I don't understand why your have forced the need for such a long delay just to poll the GUI.

  With a compute intensive application even such a short delay in Polling the GUI event loop
  is a decade in proportion to the calculation being performed. This is a serious issue in some long calculations.
  I have always been impressed with the performance and flexibility of Gambas. I have Pushed its use in my company and 
  Spoken its praises in many a discussion, I have seen it adopted in quite a few projects, I have come to rely on it's stability
  and functionality. I did something with Gambas that I never thought I would do, that is adopt an entirely open source development environment
  into my companies  development cycles.

  I provided you with a very simple application to demonstrate how the GUI is polled during long calculations emulating a multi threaded process.
  Have you worked a lot with applications that are not entirely event driven, yet still require human interface controls?

  The bug has been there until this week/month since Gambas has been around. It does not seem to have caused anything bad in the last years.

  Please help me understand the reason that a wait should not process GUI events without a timeout.

  Would it be possible to provide a version of wait that performs GUI Polling in the same way it did for the last few years?

  I just don't understand this seemingly arbitrary Decision / Direction.

  Take care Ben.

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