[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2411: Arch packages not include the mantainer info

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Sat Dec 11 14:24:19 CET 2021


Comment #3 by Martín BELMONTE:

> Can you test it to see if now you see the maintainer name?

ok, i will tell you in 1/2 hour aprox.

> As for the licence, this is an almost unsolvable problem at the moment, as the licence name is not a free string on ArchLinux, but a file name that must be installed on the system. This is the reason why the guy who wrote the code (that was not me) used 'custom' whatever the licence actually specified.

Ok, maybe in the future it will be possible solve this.

> Can you try the last commit ... I changed a bit how the license is registered in ArchLinux package.

ok, i will check it now.

Martín BELMONTE changed the state of the bug to: Accepted.

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