[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2413: Please port Gambas to Windows

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Fri Dec 10 09:56:43 CET 2021


Comment #8 by Gianluigi GRADASCHI:

"I don't accuse any of anything."

With this I wanted to say that I don't blame you.

"The wiki is not mine"

This means that the help of Gambas (wiki) is not of my property

"I just expressed a legitimate concern"

Means that I expressed a concern that I had the right to express

"only after having expressed it"

It means that after expressing my concern...

"I realized his uselessness"

I realized that it was a unfounded concern, namely: founded on an incorrect assumption.

I hope I wrote in a language understandable to "your" translator

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