[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #1748: gb.pdf component Poppler 0.86(.1?) incompatibility

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Tue Mar 10 00:06:00 CET 2020


REALITYRIPPLE reported a new bug.


gb.pdf component Poppler 0.86(.1?) incompatibility

Type             : Bug
Priority         : Medium
Gambas version   : Master
Product          : GUI components


Having trouble compiling CPdfDocument.cpp on Arch with new Poppler version. Threw in a new const for 0.86 to fix the errors, but I have no idea if the result is functional. Here's the essence of the changes made (sans const).

Line 259:
-dest = THIS->doc->findDest((GooString *) name); //now returns unique_ptr
+dest = THIS->doc->findDest((GooString *) name).get(); //so get the actual ptr

Line 320:
-tmp=((LinkURI*)act)->getURI(); break; //now returns a normal string
+tmp=new GooString(((LinkURI*)act)->getURI()); break; //so Goo it

Same GooString construction on Lines 323 and 326.

System information

Poppler 0.86.1

Haven't tested on 0.86.0, but I'm pretty sure the changes happened then.

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