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Last modified: Tue, 16 Dec 2014, 15:52:06 CET    Size: 4044
[Gambas-user] SerialPort: RS232 DTR problem

[Gambas-user] SerialPort: RS232 DTR problem

Tobias Boege taboege at ...626...
Tue Dec 16 15:52:06 CET 2014


[ this is a forwarded bug report -- and this time I'm only translating. I
  don't understand any of these hardware things. If there are questions
  left, don't hesitate; ]

a user complains that SerialPort.DTR is buggy on his system: after
initialisation, this property is False and the voltage is -12V.

Setting it to True works and the voltage raises to +12V. But setting it to
False afterwards does nothing: the property continues to return True the
voltage remains on +12V. The needed hardware is an RS232 or an RS232-USB

He says it worked with Gambas2 and he first noticed that it didn't with
Gambas 3.1.1 (from the Ubuntu repositories). I urged him to update and the
error still happens with 3.6.2.

Attached is the project we came up with to reproduce the issue. He also
mentioned that behaviour changed slightly when he left out the graphical
component he initially used his project with: with a graphical component,
the hardware didn't react and the property remained True and without a
graphical component, the hardware reacts correctly, only the property gives
the wrong value -- if I got him right.


"There's an old saying: Don't change anything... ever!" -- Mr. Monk
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