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[Gambas-user] I need a hint on how to deleted duplicate items in a array

[Gambas-user] I need a hint on how to deleted duplicate items in a array

Tobias Boege taboege at ...626...
Tue Jun 27 19:08:11 CEST 2017

On Tue, 27 Jun 2017, Fernando Cabral wrote:
> So, my question is basically if Gambas has some built in method do
> eliminate duplicates.
> The reason I am asking this is because I am new to Gambas, so I have found
> myself coding
> things that were not needed. For instance, I coded some functions to do
> quicksort and bubble sort and then I found Array.sort () was available.
> Therefore, I waisted my time coding those quicksort and bubble sort
> functions.... :-(

Ah, ok. I'm almost sure there is no built-in "uniq" function which gets
rid of consecutive duplicates, so you can go ahead and write your own :-)

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