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Re: Valuebox type currency, is it a bug?

Il 05/02/25 15:49, T Lee Davidson ha scritto:
On 2/5/25 9:03 AM, Gianluigi wrote:

with the last master if I write this code (*) in the Valuebox I get 0.00


Public Sub Form_Open()

   Dim nCorrente As Float

   nCorrente = 12.33
   ValueBox1.Type = 3
   ValueBox1.Value = nCorrente
   Print ValueBox1.Text
   Print nCorrente


With version 3.20.1 on Qt5, I get a totally blank ValueBox. The .Value
has not been set. Both ValueBox1.Value and ValueBox1.Text are Null.

BTW, it appears that https://gambaswiki.org/wiki/comp/gb.form/valuebox/
type needs to be fixed and updated.
What is "identifier"?:
"Control.identifier (gb.qt4)?
This symbol does not exist."

I see the same type 'identifier ?' that you see, maybe Benoit has
introduced (wants to introduce) something different than before?
Here also with qt i see 0.00.
Thanks for the reply


Valuebox type currency, is it a bug?Gianluigi <gradobag@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: Valuebox type currency, is it a bug?T Lee Davidson <t.lee.davidson@xxxxxxxxx>