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My new report engine state.

As the old report engine led me in no way.

I've begun to imagine a new simplified way to achieve my goal.

It uses a class based on the Benoit,'s Border class.

A report is a ReportCell (inherits _reportObject)

In a report cell you can add some ReportLine (inherits _ReportObject). In a
report Line you can add some reportCells... etc

The cells are arranged horizontally, the lines vertically.

Objects can be expanded or Hidden, can be tagged, have Width/Height and
have border object (BorderWidth, Padding, Margin)

A Cell can have some Text or Image that can be expanded, or aligned etc

At this point it allows me to create some composition.

Next step a Cell will be able to have a Key and a datatype.

A Cell with a Key will Raise an event (Data and Draw) like a GridView.
This will allow returning Data to the engine via a ReportData Object.
Or drawing a content in the event call(Chart, Map or anything else).

This configuration will help me to more easily manage data recurtions and


I'm just sharing some screenshots for now but will share the source as soon
as I have something playable and clean.

Attachment: Copie d'écran_20250129_210716.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: Copie d'écran_20250129_210657.png
Description: PNG image

Re: My new report engine state.Gianluigi <gradobag@xxxxxxxxxxx>