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Re: 3.20 on manjaro.testting
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- Subject: Re: 3.20 on manjaro.testting
- From: Philippe Valarcher <philippe.valarcher@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 13:39:23 +0100
- To: user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Le mercredi 15 janvier 2025 à 19:19 -0500, T Lee Davidson a écrit : > On 1/15/25 1:46 PM, Philippe Valarcher wrote: > > For fx = 20 To 100 Step 10 'to 50 > > v = CSingle((Log(fx) / Log(10) - xx1) * scaleX) > > .Text(Format((fx / (fr / qt)), "0.0"), v, haut * 17 / 18) > > Next > > I tried your code in a VM with Manjaro Testing branch. I get a notice > that "fr", in the above code, is an unknown symbol. I > don't see it or "qt" defined anywhere. What are they supposed to be? > > As the mailing list desn't accept the test Isend you I add only the text of my test project. Regards
' Gambas class file 'Rem Constantes Public Const C As Float = 344.00 Public Const Bta As Float = 1.61803398875 Public Const PO As Float = 1.1803398875 Public Const Pi As Float = 3.14159265359 Public Qb As Float Public X1 As Float Public q1 As Float Public qap As Float Public qab As Float Public Mms As Float Public SD As Float Public FR As Float Public QT As Float Public QM As Float Public Rcc As Float Public Qts As Float Public Z1 As Float 'Rem HP Public Ds As Float Public Led As Float Public Ces As Float Public Rms As Float Public Ld As Float Public das As Float Public mad As Float Public Cad As Float Public QE As Float Public BL As Float Public Cms As Float Public FA As Float Public Ras As Float Public Res As Float Public Rat As Float Public rz As Float Public No1 As Float Public Eff As Float Public Var As Float Public rs As Float 'Rem acoustiques Public Mas As Float Public Vas As Float Public Las As Float Public Sas As Float Public Cas As Float Public rad As Float Public Vdd As Float Public FD As Float Public Qtd As Float 'Rem Enceintes Public FB As Float Public Lab As Float Public Sab As Float Public Dab As Float Public Vab As Float Public FP As Float Public Lap As Float Public Sap As Float Public Vap As Float Public Dap As Float Public Fev As Float Public Lev As Float Public Sev As Float Public Dev As Float Public Vev As Float Public Qev As Float Public Fep As Float Public Lep As Float Public Sep As Float Public Dep As Float Public Vep As Float Public Qep As Float Public Fes As Float Public Les As Float Public Ses As Float Public Ses1 As Float Public Des As Float Public Des1 As Float Public alpha1 As Float Public Ves As Float Public Qes As Float Public Mab As Float Public Mep As Float Public Mev As Float Public Cab As Float Public A As Float Public S As Float Public N As Float Public couleur As Collection = New Collection Public increment As Float Public ro As Float Public zmax As Float Public k As Float Public s1 As Float Private Sub TrameFond() 'tracé trame de fond Dim xx1 As Single Dim x2, y1, y2, fx, v As Single Dim scaleX, scaleY As Single Dim larg As Single Dim haut As Single '--------------- Zonage -------------------- x2 = CSingle(Log10(300)) xx1 = CSingle(Log10(10)) y2 = CSingle(Log10(0.000000001)) y1 = CSingle(Log10(1000000000)) haut = CSingle(DrawingArea1.Height) larg = CSingle(DrawingArea1.Width) scaleX = CSingle((larg) / (x2 - xx1)) scaleY = CSingle((haut) / (y2 - y1)) '-------------------------------------------- With Draw .Foreground = Color.Blue .Line(0, haut / 6, larg, haut / 6) .Line(0, haut / 3, larg, haut / 3) .Line(0, haut * 2 / 3, larg, haut * 2 / 3) .Line(0, haut * 5 / 6, larg, haut * 5 / 6) .Foreground = Color.Lighter(Color.DarkCyan) .Line(0, haut * 7 / 18, larg, haut * 7 / 18) .Line(0, haut * 8 / 18, larg, haut * 8 / 18) .Line(0, haut * 10 / 18, larg, haut * 10 / 18) .Line(0, haut * 11 / 18, larg, haut * 11 / 18) .Foreground = Color.DarkGreen .Text(" +6db", 0, haut / 6) .Text(" +3db", 0, haut / 3) .Text(" 0db", 0, haut / 2) .Text(" -3db", 0, haut * 2 / 3) .Text(" -6db", 0, haut * 5 / 6) For fx = 20 To 100 Step 10 v = CSingle((Log(fx) / Log(10) - xx1) * scaleX) .Text(Format((fx), "0#"), v, haut * 16 / 18) Next .Foreground = Color.DarkGreen For fx = 20 To 200 Step 5 ' v = CSingle((Log(fx) / Log(10) - xx1) * scaleX) .Line(v, y2, v, haut) Next For fx = 110 To 300 Step 10 v = CSingle((Log(fx) / Log(10) - xx1) * scaleX) .Line(v, y2, v, haut) Next For fx = 150 To 250 Step 50 v = CSingle((Log(fx) / Log(10) - xx1) * scaleX) .Text(Format((fx), "0#"), v, haut * 16 / 18) Next For fx = 25 To 35 Step 10 v = CSingle((Log(fx) / Log(10) - xx1) * scaleX) .Text(Format((fx), "0#"), v, haut * 16 / 18) Next For fx = 20 To 100 Step 10 'to 50 v = CSingle((Log(fx) / Log(10) - xx1) * scaleX) .Text(Format((fx / (fr / qt)), "0.0"), v, haut * 17 / 18) Next For fx = 150 To 250 Step 50 v = CSingle((Log(fx) / Log(10) - xx1) * scaleX) .Text(Format((fx / (fr / qt)), "0.0"), v, haut * 17 / 18) Next v = CSingle((Log10(10.125) - xx1) * scaleX) .Text(("Fréquences :"), v, haut * 16 / 18) .Text(("Fréquences Normalisées"), v, haut * 17 / 18) '------- cadre rouge -------------------- v = CSingle((Log(fr) / Log(10) - xx1) * scaleX) .Foreground = Color.Red .Line(v, haut / 6, v, haut * 5 / 6) 'ligne verticale .Line(0, haut / 2, larg, haut / 2) 'ligne horizontale .Rect(v - larg / 6, haut / 3.5, larg / 3, haut / 2.325) 'rectangle centré en FR .Text("FR", v, haut / 20 * 1.25) .Text(Format((fr), "###"), v, haut / 20 * 1.75) '---------------------------------------- End With End Private Sub Courbes(i As Integer) 'tracé des courbes enceintes '----------- pour la zone ------------------- Dim xx1 As Single Dim x2, y1, y2, fx, v As Single Dim scaleX, scaleY As Single Dim larg As Single Dim haut As Single '------------ pour le dessin ---------------- Dim Xcoord, Ycoord As Single Dim fz As Single Dim u2 As Single Dim v2 As Single Dim z2 As Single Dim r As Single Dim r1 As Single '--------- zonage de l'écran ---------------- x2 = CSingle(Log10(300)) xx1 = CSingle(Log10(10)) y2 = CSingle(Log10(0.000000001)) y1 = CSingle(Log10(1000000000)) '-------------------------------------------- haut = CSingle(DrawingArea1.Height) 'hauteur de la zone à dessin larg = CSingle(DrawingArea1.Width) 'largeur de la zone à dessin scaleX = CSingle(Round((larg) / (x2 - xx1))) 'échelle X scaleY = CSingle(Round((haut) / (y2 - y1))) 'échelle Y With Draw v = CSingle((Log10(fep) - xx1) * scaleX) 'mise à l'échelle .Foreground = Color.Blue .Line(v, haut / 6, v, haut * 5 / 6) v = CSingle((Log10(fev) - xx1) * scaleX) 'mise à l'échelle .Foreground = Color.Blue .Line(v, haut / 6, v, haut * 5 / 6) End With Draw.Font.Name = "Default" '------ les courbes elles mêmes ------------- For fx = 10 To 300 Step 0.05 'zone du graphique limitée à 300hz fz = fx u2 = CSingle(-fz ^ 3 * (fr / Qep + fb / qb) + fz * (fb * fr ^ 2 / qb + fb ^ 2 * fr / qep)) v2 = CSingle((fb * fr) ^ 2 + fz ^ 4 - fz ^ 2 * (a * fr ^ 2 + fr ^ 2 + fb * fr / (qb * qep) + fb ^ 2)) z2 = CSingle(Sqr(u2 ^ 2 + v2 ^ 2)) r = CSingle(20 * Log(fz ^ 4 / z2)) r1 = CSingle(r / Log(10)) xcoord = CSingle((Log(fz) / Log(10) - xx1) * scaleX) 'coordonnées X à dessiner ycoord = CSingle((r / Log(10) - y1) * scaleY) 'coordonnées Y à dessiner If ycoord > haut Then Goto truc 'pour éviter de sortir du cadre End If Draw.Foreground = couleur[i] Draw.Line(CInt(xcoord), CInt(ycoord), CInt(xcoord), CInt(ycoord)) 'trace de chaque point pour former une ligne truc: 'l'étiquette pour ne pas dessiner de qui sort Next Catch Message.info(Error.text & " Courbes(i)") End Public Sub DrawingArea1_Draw() Dim i As Integer '------------ l'évènement dessin ------------ i = 0 Draw.Begin(DrawingArea1) TrameFond() courbes(i + 1) Draw.end '-------------------------------------------- End Public Sub Form_Resize() '-- cette partie peut être réactivée pour tester -- ' DrawingArea1.Clear ' Draw.Begin(DrawingArea1) ' TrameFond() ' Draw.end '--------- et la suivante commentée --------------- mnuVAB_Click() End Public Sub mnuVAB_Click() 'pour un VAB donné Dim i, p As Integer DrawingArea1.Clear Draw.Begin(DrawingArea1) TrameFond() For p = 0 To 6 qb = bta ^ 4 qes = 1 / bta ^ (-4) Select Case p Case 0 z1 = Bta ^ -2 Case 1 z1 = Bta ^ -1.5 Case 2 z1 = Bta ^ -1 Case 3 z1 = Bta ^ -0.5 Case 4 z1 = Bta ^ 0 Case 5 z1 = Bta ^ 0.5 Case 6 z1 = Bta ^ 1 End Select qts = qtd * Sqr(z1 / (qb * qes)) CalculsHP() CalculsEnc() increment = p + 1.25 i += 1 courbes(i) Next Draw.end End Public Sub DrawingArea1_MouseDown() If Mouse.Left Then mnuVAB_Click Endif If Mouse.Right Then DrawingArea1.Clear Draw.Begin(DrawingArea1) TrameFond() Draw.end Endif If Mouse.Middle Then Endif End Public Sub Form_Open() '------ Les Couleurs des courbes ------------ couleur.Add(Color.Black, 0) couleur.Add(Color.Blue, 1) couleur.Add(Color.Red, 2) couleur.Add(Color.DarkYellow, 3) couleur.Add(Color.Magenta, 4) couleur.Add(Color.Orange, 5) couleur.Add(Color.DarkCyan, 6) couleur.Add(Color.Purple, 7) couleur.Add(Color.DarkGreen, 8) couleur.Add(Color.Gray, 9) '------ un hp arbitraire Pour la démo--------- sd = 0.085 fr = 50 mms = 0.054085 qt = 0.5203 qm = 9.64 rcc = 5.2 qts = qt '--------------------------------------------- End Private Sub CalculsHP() 'Calculs hautparleur sd = sd / (1) ^ 0.5 cms = 1 / ((2 * Pi * fr) ^ 2 * mms) qe = qm / ((qm / qt) - 1) bl = (2 * Pi * fr * mms * rcc / qe) ^ (1 / 2) fa = bl / mms mas = mms / sd ^ 2 vas = po * c ^ 2 / ((2 * Pi * fr) ^ 2 * mas) vdd = mms / po cad = vdd / (po * c ^ 2) fd = po * c * sd / (2 * Pi * mms) ld = c / (2 * Pi * fd) mad = po * ld / sd qtd = (vdd / vas) ^ 0.5 las = c / (2 * Pi * fr) sas = po * c / (2 * Pi * fr * mas) das = (4 * sas / Pi) ^ (1 / 2) cas = vas / (po * c ^ 2) ds = (4 * sd / Pi) ^ 0.5 no1 = fr ^ 3 * vas * 0.0000009599999 / qe * 100 eff = 10 * Log(no1 / 0.065) / Log(10) + 80 rad = 1 / (2 * Pi * cas * fr * qt) var = ds ^ 4 / (po * mms) ro = qm / qt rs = 1 + bl ^ 2 * qt / qtd / rcc / po / c / sd zmax = ro * rcc led = bl ^ 2 / sd ^ 2 * cas ces = sd ^ 2 / bl ^ 2 * mas rms = 2 * Pi * fr * mms / qm ras = rms / sd ^ 2 res = bl ^ 2 / rms rat = 1 / (2 * Pi * fr * cas * qt) rz = 1 / (2 * Pi * fr * cas * qt) - ras End Private Sub CalculsEnc() 'cacluls enceintes qts = qt x1 = 1 / (qb) ^ 0.5 fb = fr * x1 / qts lab = c / (2 * Pi * fb) mab = z1 * mas sab = po / mab * lab dab = (4 * sab / Pi) ^ 0.5 vab = lab * sab cab = vab / (po * c ^ 2) s = qb / z1 a = vas / vab alpha1 = bta ^ -2 / qtd ^ 2 N = Logp(a * qb) / Logp(bta) fp = fr / qts lap = c / (2 * Pi * fp) sap = po / mab * lap dap = (4 * sap / Pi) ^ 0.5 vap = lap * sap lep = lap lev = lab k = 2 * Pi / (po * c) * fr * mms ses = k / (a * qtd ^ 2) Ses1 = k / (alpha1 * qtd ^ 2) Des1 = (4 * ses1 / Pi) ^ 0.5 vep = vdd sep = vep / lep mep = po * lep ^ 2 / vep dep = (4 * sep / Pi) ^ 0.5 fep = c / (2 * Pi * lep) qep = fr / fep q1 = sap / sep qap = qep / q1 qab = qtd * sd / sab vev = vap fev = c / (2 * Pi * lev) sev = vev / lev mev = po * lev ^ 2 / vev dev = (4 * sev / Pi) ^ 0.5 qev = 2 * Pi * fr * mms / (po * 344 * sev) s1 = 1 / (2 * qts * a ^ 0.5) des = (4 * ses / Pi) ^ 0.5 qes = qtd ^ 2 * a End
Re: 3.20 on manjaro.testting | T Lee Davidson <t.lee.davidson@xxxxxxxxx> |
3.20 on manjaro.testting | Philippe Valarcher <philippe.valarcher@xxxxxxx> |
Re: 3.20 on manjaro.testting | T Lee Davidson <t.lee.davidson@xxxxxxxxx> |