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Re: Merge request

Il 05/01/25 00:09, Benoît Minisini ha scritto:

Next time, can you write in your changelog "Italian translation"
somewhere on the "NEW: xxx" line, instead of just "The IDE translation
is now complete"?

As only the lines after a "[...]" slot are put into the changelog, when
I have only the "the translation is complete" sentence, I don't know
which language was actually updated.

Thanks in advance!

Benoît Minisini.

Hi Benoit,

ok I took note, I'll try to remember it.

Good night


Merge requestGianluigi <gradobag@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: Merge requestGianluigi <gradobag@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: Merge requestBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>