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Re: Initial version of 'gambas-package-config' tool

Le samedi 23 novembre 2024, 18:08:53 heure normale d’Europe centrale Benoît 
Minisini a écrit :
> Hi,
> ...
> > Now I need help from Laurent Carlier, or other ArchLinux packagers, to
> check the generated PKGBUILD.
> It obviously create more packages than the original one, because the
> original one didn't follow the specifications written in the wiki. But I
> don't why exactly, so I need help.
> As for the other distributions, it will follow the same logic, with
> template files including commands enclosed by "@{" and "}".
> The commands will be mostly the same, depending of what is actually
> needed to generate the files.
> For example, RPM specification file describe a package in one place, and
> the files that must be installed elsewhere. So this need some new command.
> By centralizing the definition of package configuration files for all
> distributions in one place, I hope it will make packaging Gambas easier.
> Waiting for your comments now!
> Best regards,

Just noted your email ! Will take a look at it ASAP.

Do you want a pkgbuild for nightly build ? It will be easier to generate and 
could help to centralize them.

Laurent Carlier

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Re: Initial version of 'gambas-package-config' toolBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Initial version of 'gambas-package-config' toolBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>