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Re: gb.gtk somehow just erased ~/.cache and ~/.local/share ! (BIG BUG)

Le 18/11/2024 à 17:04, Bruce Steers a écrit :
Yep that's right, gambas just wiped out my ~/cache and ~/.local/ sharefolders :-\

Simply running a gbs3 command that checks for gui availability

Like this one but using gtk...

G="gtk3"; echo -e "Use \"gb.gui\"\nIf Args[1] = Env[\"GB_GUI\"] Then Quit 0\nQuit 1\n" | env GB_GUI="gb.$G" gbs3 - gb.$G 2>/dev/null; echo $?

That works fine, it returns 0 for no error
If i change G="gtk3" to G="gtk4" then that also works fine, it returns 1 as no gtk4.


If i do that my ~/cache and ~/.local/share folders get wiped clean. :-\
You heard me , completely erased.

I've lost a ton of settings.
and spent ages thinking it is was a fault in my GambasProcWatch program that i have eventually tracked down to it actually happening because of a line in a text sctript that's using gbs3 to check if gtk is availavle.

Simply something like this...
G="gtk"; echo -e "Use \"gb.gui\"\nIf Args[1] = Env[\"GB_GUI\"] Then Quit 0\nQuit 1\n" | env GB_GUI="gb.$G" gbs3 - gb.$G 2>/dev/null; echo $?

(Do not try that at home kids unless you have backups)

It works without problems trying qt4/qt5/qt6/qt7/gtk3
but with gtk has a MASSIVE PROBLEM. !!

I'm going to chill out for a while

I apologize, it's my fault. The cleanup routine was run whereas it should not be, with a null application id, and so it wiped out these folders. :-(

Sorry again. I fixed that in the last commit.

Note: you must have a USB disk plugged to your computer to save the most important part of your home folder daily.

Benoît Minisini.

gb.gtk somehow just erased ~/.cache and ~/.local/share ! (BIG BUG)Bruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>